Life Goes On

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It all felt like I was surrounded by strangers even though I practically met these people daily. At last I found Carl, he came towards me and walked with me till class. I have math and he has chemistry.

I had not seen Peter nor Bess from morning. As soon as the period got over all people rushed to see their friends but I was not sure about what to do and then I decided I better get out of the class. And again luckily I bumped into Carl and we both went in search of the others, I asked him if he had seen Bess in the morning.

 He gave me a comical look," don't you know??, she is sick". he told me

"What??, she never told me "  an uneasy feeling developed inside me. What was going on??.

Peter came to me to talk but I just walked away.

Through the day Peter had tried to talk to me but I just gave him cold answers.

It was time to leave home. Now I had nobody so I decided I would walk home, but then Peter pulled me away near his car and told me to get in. One look at his eyes, I knew he was furious and if I don't listen to him I will be dead the next second.

Through the car ride we didn't talk to each other. And then we came to the beach.

I was too excited on coming to the beach and I started walking towards the shore and Peter joined me.

"Ann, I am sorry" Peter told suddenly in midst of the chill waves splashing against our legs.

"Is something wrong with my ears, did I just hear you say sorry??" I said as I patted my ears.

"I meant it" Peter said with a broad smile on his face.

We went back to the beach and sat down.I leaned on his shoulder and told him all about what happened with Bess.

"My God, you create such a fuss, come lets go meet her'.

We arrived on Bess's driveway, but I was not sure of this anymore, what if she didn't want me to see her. But then it became too late to escape, Mrs.Morris(Bess's Mother) called us in and told that Bess would be delighted to see us.

I ran to see her and found her lying on the bed a bit tired but on seeing us she brightened up.

"I'm sorry, sorry" I started to say before she even opened her mouth and then I heard laughter a loud one, I opened my eyes to find out that it was not Peter, but Bess.

She wiped the tear from my cheek. "If I get angry for these things, then I am not your best friend, I didn't tell you that I was sick, so that you have one less thing to worry about" Bess told me.

"Awwww....Thank you!!", I hugged Bess and nearly pushed her out of the bed.

"I guess someone is getting their much wanted revenge" Peter was saying as I pulled Bess to the top and I threw a pillow at him and at last we all had lemonade in our hands and were talking about school.

"So, what was all that uproar about??"Bess asked me.

I was about to say but then Peter ended up saying it with a lot of tease coming by my side and he had enough bruises in his hands due to my nails!!.

"You should give her another chance" Bess suddenly said and Peter too nodded his head.

I just said "yeah, lets see".

"OK!!Mrs. Michael any important news?" Bess asked me.

I had turned pink and then I remembered the rose and the note, I asked Peter and he said no.

Yaa, it could not be him he didn't like giving notes, he would face the situation directly not in this way. Who could it have been?

"Ann has a secret admirer!!!" both of them chorused together.

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