Messed up

17 5 2

Everyone tried to bring us back to normal, but we couldn't digest the fact that we were all alone.

My doorbell rang,  I rushed to answer it,  I was surprised to see Lynn.

"Come in", I told her.

"We have to figure out certain things,  Ann ... first of all why did they leave us?? And Ann I don't think they're coming back".

She had voiced my thoughts. It was true, they had taken away everything except for some clothes and all my memories.

I kept wondering why, but I hit a dead end at that.

What is more worse is that mom told she could talk to me only on Friday's and dad seems to have forgotten me. The only person in my family who still talks to me is Luke, even he does not understand what was going on, but I enjoy his phone calls a lot, they literally help me survive the day.

"Are you on talking terms to your family?", I asked her.

"Nope, only on Thursdays"

"For me it is Fridays"

It had only been one week but we missed them a lot.

"Can we stay together, you see i feel like I'm killing myself being alone there and I think you feel the same way, maybe it will just ease out the pain a little"

"Yes", I shouted before she could even finish.

We hugged each other and before we both knew it we were crying into each other's arms, uncontrollably.

She was a girl just like me, deeply broken on the inside and trying to make the outside world believe we were fine, whereas in reality we can never bring ourselves back.

We then talked about money.

Lynn told that she is totally fine if we could sell her house, the reason being she had shifted just 4 months ago and I would have more memories in my house than her.

Our parents surely had a money problem, it was pretty obvious so we did not want to cause more pain and decided we do something about it.

Lynn was adamant about selling the house, but then I would never agree to that at last we settled at renting it out.

Now we had to find a tenant.


As usual, Lynn and me came by Peter's car to my place, which had now become our place.

We missed our parents a lot but we found the lost comfort in each other.

And you know what we shared my room, yes the room she criticized about.

So ironical, right??


Lynn and me were lying on bed and as usual we were blabbering about some irrelevant topics and laughed at how silly we were.

We had become best friends in just one month of staying together. 

Well it is much better to say soul mate!!!.

As usual my phone beeped,

" Good Night, Princess,

Love you always

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile".

This was what I had been getting every night from Ashton, except that the pickup line changed everyday.

I was not sure about getting into a relationship, but I could not ignore him.

I was still talking to him like we were  friends.

I smiled at my phone and kept it back.

"You know you should tell him, soon", Lynn told me sleepily.

I took my phone and texted, "Good Night"

Suddenly Lynn was awake, "Did you tell him?", She asked making her eyes widen with surprise.

She then took my phone and checked it.

"What, just a good night?, you are testing his patience a lot, Ann and good night to you because I really need this", she said and dozed off.

"How could she go back to sleep so easily??"


Its Thursday, Lynn's mom will call.

We waited for it patiently and then she called at last, after exchanging pleasantries she told that she wanted Lynn to meet her aunt whom she never had met before and that they would be staying with her at her house and I am supposed to join her (she did not know about our renting the house), she just said yes.

And then she sent Lynn the number and we were supposed to call immediately.

What are we to do now?, tell the truth about the house?.

We thought we will talk to the lady first.

Lynn dialed the number and gave it to me suddenly losing all the confidence,

but at that moment the person picked the phone.

I was shocked and I nearly dropped the phone hearing the voice on the other side, even in my sleep I can tell who it is, but how come it is him?.


OK, Don't kill me, you will need me to finish the story.

I am very sorry for the late update, I was busy with certain family get togethers.

Anyways, I will try to be regular from now on.


Love You Lots <3

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