Why is SHE here?

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I would like to dedicate the chapter to Rowena20042017 and BellaClaryTris for being such wonderful readers
Thank You!!


My legs and heart seemed to freeze as I neared Peter, but why, why is he doing this?. Well I can't control him, he can do whatever he wants but after he knew how she insulted me, how would he feel like talking to her that too like she was his best friend.

I thought I could make it to him and tell him I hate him but my legs seemed to have other plans, it forced me to run away from him to the parking. I wanted to get away to my room but couldn't until Peter came. And at last I guess he was freed from her clutches but I turned out to be wrong she came following closely behind him. He waved to me, I ignored him and said, "Bess can you drop me?". She said "yes" and I could see total confusion in all my friends eyes except Peter, the only person to whom I told everything.

Bess started to introduce Lynn to me but I just walked away to her car and shouted "I don't care, please come I want to go". Bess gave an apologetic look to Lynn and rushed towards me.

I slammed the car door and murmured my thanks to Bess.

She had tried to console me and telling me to not give up hope through the whole ride home.

Hope??, Well I'm tired of trying again and again and hitting a door of disappointment always which I think is never going to give way for me.

I rushed inside my house to my room and I found my family busy watching T.V and I just don't know what came over me I just went and sat there hoping to feel better and yes it worked!!.

My Dad is the Best in the whole world, he spoke in his funny voice and told

" the unclean pretty princess, you better have a bath and remove your socks because your subjects are dying of the stink". 

But I was in no mood to get up, they knew my weakness and now started using it against me.

My mom, Dad and Luke pounded on me and started TICKLING ME!!!!

I shouted stop and we all slipped from the couch and ended on the floor laughing and I saw the true meaning of Rolling On the Floor Laughing in front of me.

I went back to my room in a very calm mood and I had my bath.

As soon as the warm, soothing water touched my body I could feel all my troubles and disappointments going down with it. 

I came out and checked my phone. Oh no!!, 10 missed calls from Peter and so many messages in the group , I didn't want to open any of those. I just switched off my phone and tried to do my homework.

"Come down for dinner, Ann"I heard my mom calling. I went down to see my mom preparing noodles, Yum!!.

But before I could get a taste of it, the doorbell rang and I went to get it.

It was Peter. I didn't know what to do, should I invite him or just shut the door. Well i didn't have the choice of deciding, Luke rushed towards him and pulled him in. Everybody in my family liked Peter, he was like a part of the family and he joined us for dinner.

I had lost all of my appetite but I didn't go because then Dad would get angry. After I had finished  Dad and Mom wanted to talk to me alone.

My mind kept on thinking what it was about and then they opened their mouths at last and said, "don't lose hope!, you still have one more year where you can still get a chance", even though I knew I won't I just nodded and went away. 

I am a complete loser and yet my parents support me. I just wish I get selected in something and make them proud, I need to do something I kept thinking to myself, but what??

"What???", no that was not me, it was Peter.

Now why was he shouting at me, I didn't do anything.

" Lynn is such a good person and not like what I thought she was with what you told me, you should talk to her Ann, she can be a part of the gang".

"Peter stop, I hate her and when I have decided something I never change my mind and you know that and she is arrogant Peter, her character reflects it so obviously, why can't you see??"

I said trying to control the rage that would burst any moment.

"Don't be adamant", he shouted and just walked away. I was standing alone in my room not knowing what to do, then my dad entered in and hugged me, "you and Peter fought again, its going to be alright" he said.

I had a feeling this is not same as those other fights like losing a basketball game, picking me up late or for messing up my hair. This was different.

I tried calling up Bess but instead Helen picked up the phone and told me that Bess is busy.

Busy?? I thought it over as I kept my phone down, Bess would always attend my call no matter what it is or at least text me, is she angry with me??.

I tried contacting her later but she wouldn't pick it up.

What a mess have I got myself into??.

And then I remembered in  the car Bess had asked me what is wrong and I shouted back to her, "Mind your own business, don't interfere with my life", but then I told her that I had not actually meant it and she seemed to be fine with it, as she was used to my tantrums.

 I was just angry. I typed her as many sorry messages I could but she wouldn't reply.


Trriinggg!! I heard my alarm ringing, for a minute all went blank and then I remembered,


what was I going to do at school??, but the first problem of all, how am I going to reach school?, my parents won't let me drive for another one year.

As I got ready for school in a somber mood my dad told he will drop me on his way to work.

One problem solved, now how will I get ready to face the rest??

As I reached my locker, I found a note and rose stuck to it ,saying : 

                                           "Don't worry, its all going to be alright,

                                                     And no matter what happens,

                                                I'll stay with you for now and always"


Hope you guys liked it!!!

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And a big THANKS!!!, for reading my book and voting for it.

Love You Lots <3


April 21st 2017

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