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3rd person pov:

Yoongi woke up to someone shaking his body softly.
"Yah yoongs wake up"hoseok said as he kept shaking yoongi's body.

"What the fuck Hoseok, why are you waking me?"

"Because we're going to see jimin, he's home and Asma is with him"hoseok said sitting on his bed. "Go get ready"

"Oh second girlfriend" yoongi said getting up.

"She has a name stupid"hoseok said

"Yeah Asma, I know. I'll get ready now"yoongi answered

"Meet me in front, Gidae already left"hoseok said as he left the room.


"OK let's go"yoongi said as he walked out  of the room.

"Took you long enough"hoseok said as he started making his way to the door, yoongi following behind him.

"So everyone is there?yoongi asked as they walked into the elevator. 

"Razny and fai couldn't make it, they still have classes, late classes"hoseok answered

"Razny and fai? Who-

"They're Asma and gidae's friends, we know them so they're our friends too" the sound of the elevator's ding was heard and they walked out.

"OK maybe next time"yoongi answered

Hoseok walked to a door and knocked and it opened almost immediately

"Yo min swagless in the building!! "Hoseok screamed as he ran out of the house and jumped on yoongi.

"Yo jamless!!" Yoongi answered as he hugged jimin back.

"Ok you don't see me, well bye"hoseok said sarcastically as he walked past them and into the house.

Jimin and yoongi just laughed at hoseok's behavior and went in after him.

"Hey baby~meet swagless"jimin called.

"Hey swagless, I'm A S M A Asma"Asma said being cool.

"Don't mind jimin, I'm yoongi, I've got swag"yoongi said, attempting to defend his pride.

"Nice to meet you yoongi oppa"asma smiled at him.

"Yah don't smile at him like that! That smile is for only me! "Jimin pouted while asma blushed at her boyfriend's words.

"Easy dude, I'm not gonna steal your girl"yoongi raised his hand.

"Tsk! Like you can, she loves me"jimin answered.

"Oh he's here"Gidae said as he walked out of the room.

"Oh you're here"yoongi answered.

"Why do I feel like these two aren't gonna get along well"jimin said, moving to the couch.

"It's not my fault, she's scary"yoongi said.

"Well asma can be scary too sometimes when you mess with her"jimin replied.

"I'm a witness to that"hoseok shouted"she kicked me in the balls one time!! "

"Ahhh good times"asma said, smiling to herself.

"Well it's your fault you got ballkicked, you destroyed her project"Gidae said, taking her position on Hoseok's lap.

"I swear that was funny "jimin said, laughing at the thought.

"At least she's still less scary than This one"yoongi said pointing to Gidae.

"Why thank you, I'm very honoured"Gidae said, bowing dramatically.

"Ok now let get down to business"asma said.

"Ok what business"Gidae asked.

"Well don't ask me, think of something" asma said.

"What if I can't think of something?" Gidae said again.

"Well too bad"Asma replied.

"Where's the drink?! "Hoseok called. "I know these two can go on with the argument for hours"

"It's in the fridge"jimin said

"Well go get it! "Hoseok answered.

"Let's party! "Asma and gidae said in unison

"It's not a party! "The boys replied.
.....................Few hours later.......................
After a few bottles they we're already tipsy they could all hold their alcohol well so they weren't drunk, just tipsy.

"I miss my dongsaengs! " asma shouted.

"Me too"gidae added.

"Who? " yoongi asked.

"Fai and razny, I miss them, but they're busy, but you'll see them soon.  They're soooo cute"asma said.

"True true"gidae said. "You might see them tomorrow, we'll introduce you to them, they're nice too".

"Oh these boys are asleep"asma chuckled as she looked at hoseok and jimin sleeping on the floor.

"Seems like we're sleeping over! "Gidae, shouted.

"I'd love to see your friends, and I'm sleepy, I'll probably pass out on the floor too. Good-
Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence because he fell asleep with his head on the couch and the rest of his body on the floor.

"And boy number three is out too, seems like we won, high five girl"gidae said.

"Girls rule! "Asma answered as she gave gidae a high five.

"Wouldn't it be good if yoongi got with one of the girls? "Gidae asked.

"It'll be great, but don't initiate anything, I know what you're thinking gidae"asma said

"I wasn't thinking of doing anything!! "

"Oh really"asma, said with doubt.

"Aish ok I won't do anything "

"Good, let's just see what happens.  Now goodnight, I'm sleepy"asma said as she moved over to jimin's side and laid her head on his chest.

"Ok~goodnight, I love you~" Gidae said as she too laid her head on hoseok's chest.

"Love you too~"asma answered.

Boom! Bye!
Next chapter coming up tomorrow or next tomorrow.
AsmaGurung9and Raznyoongi thank you for always reminding me to update .사랑해요 .😘😘

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