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Namjoon pov:

After the talk I had with tori yesterday, I just wanted to end everything, there was no way razny will ever love me again.
She used to, but not anymore, my chance has gone, it's someone else's job to make her happy now.

"Hello fai, let's meet........... Why not the place we first met when you called me back here...... I'll be waiting there"


The Seoul Tower.....
Yeah this was where I first met fai when I came back to Seoul and I wanted to see it again before I leave, yeah, I'm leaving tonight. Razny doesn't have to see me before I leave, I don't want her to, but I just want everything settled before I finally go.

"Why did you call me here"I heard fai's voice from behind me.

"To talk, obviously "

"I know that, but talk about what?"fai asked.

"All of this, this drama, this lies"I said, waving my hands I'm the air to explain myself .

"Namjoon don't! "Fai said.

"Fai I don't want to do this anymore! It's not helping anyone! "I said stopping to take a breathe. "You're not only hurting everyone else, you're hurting yourself  too! You're miserable!"

"Why does everyone keep calling me miserable!? Can you all just understand!? I never get anything I want!...... Don't tell me I did all those things for nothing! setting razny up and telling a lot of lies to yoongi to get him to leave razny...... I called you here so you could help me! You can't just leave me here namjoon! I've done a lot of things to get here now and I don't want to let go! I'll make yoongi love me back! "Fai cried.

"I don't think so"yoongi said, fai turned around in shock. "You did all those? ".

"Yoongi no-

"Give it up fai, we told him, and he has confirmed it now, so it's game over"Tori said, walking towards us with Asma by her side.

"I'm so stupid, I believed you over razny, why did you do all these?!! "Yoongi asked. Although I think he already knows the answer to that. "You're evil, how could you do this to yourself, cus clearly you're not having it good......... I could never love you, no matter how hard I tried the love wouldn't come"

"No!! Don't say that! Yoongi~I love you, just love me back eo? I could make you happy"fai said, hoping onto yoongi.

"Fai just stop this, end all this"Asma said.

"End this?...... Then I'll end this"we were all confused until fai ran to the edge and stood there, threatening to jump off, we were on the third floor so if she jumped she will most certainly die.

"Fai don't do this! "I said.

"Fai this is crazy, you can't possibly want to kill yourself, are you crazy!? "Gidae said.

"Fai stop this madness!! If you do this then what did you achieve"Asma said, walking closer to her.

"Come closer and I'll jump,I mean it"fai said and asma stepped back. "Yoongi hates me now, I don't want to live!! "Fai cried.

"Yeah jump, just take your legs off and jump, or I could push you to make the process faster"yoongi said shocking everyone. "Yeah jump, cus you're just a sick person who can't take defeat. You like me and I don't like you, so what!? So you just go ahead and destroy the friendship that has been going great for years........ Jump! Come on, Kill yourself for a guy who isn't worth all this, I'm just human fai!....... I won't say I hate you, I don't...... And I won't say I'm happy with you too...... I'm not....... So are you going to jump off this floor and go and no one miss you.... Or are you going to take my hand and step down and start life again by making things right again, fixing all the things you messed up"yoongi said, reaching his hand out to fai.

Fai just stood there, crying, staring at yoongi's hand and back at the edge she was standing on...... Then slowly, she took his hand and then he pulled her down..... And fai just fell to the ground and cried.

"Go,  go to razny........ I'm sure she's needing you right now "fai said, still crying.

"I will, I too have to set things straight"yoongi said.

"Yoongi"I called. "Sorry dude".

"It's okay, right now I got serious matters to take care of........ Gidae, Asma, take care of her"yoongi said.

"We will"they said.

"Yeah Take care of her, I'm leaving now"I said.

"Thank you namjoon, for this"Tori said.

"Thank you namjoon"asma too said.

"It's okay guys, it's just the right thing to do, and I'm Glad fai finally understood that..... Take care fai, you could find true happiness that belongs to you soon"I said as I finally walked away, away from Seoul. "Goodbye razny"

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