6:meeting him

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3rd person pov:

The five of them had woken up with a really bad headache the next morning, Asma and gidae had gone to their dorm and Yoongi and hoseok had to go back to their dorm too, well they have school to go.

Not long after they left Taehyung came in.
"What the he'll happened here"Taehyung screamed. The house was a mess.

"Yoongi,hoseok,Asma and Gidae happened"jimin answered as he started picking up the bottles. "Can't believe they didn't help me. You help me idiot! Why are you just standing there?! ".

"Oh I will Hyung, thanks for asking really nicely. I really appreciate your politeness "Taehyung said as he started cleaning with jimin.

"Suck a pole Taehyung!"

"I will not suck a pole!!"

"Then shut up and clean"jimin said.

"Hyung is mean, so mean, so so-... Wait did you mention yoongi the other time? He was here? "

"Oh now you heard me, and yes he was here, he got here yesterday"

"And you didn't tell me, it would have been nice to meet him"Taehyung said.

"Well you can always meet him, now shut up and clean"jimin said.

At yoongi and hoseok's dorm:

"Come on, don't sleep again, go shower so we can leave for class, it's your first day and you wanna go late"hoseok said as he begged yoongi to get up because if yoongi is late that means he's also late.

"Five more minutes"yoongi mumbled as he brought the blanket to cover his face.

"Min yoongi, if you don't get up I'm leaving you and you have to find your way around school by yourself!"

"You wouldn't"yoongi answered.

"Oh really? Watch me"hoseok said as he walked out of the room.

"You wouldn't!!"yoongi screamed after him, shifting to be more comfortable on the bed.

At fai and razny's dorm:

"Fai! I gotta leave early, I have to go to the library since I'm not having any class this morning ok? "Razny called to fai who was still laying on her bed.

"Ok! I'll get up soon, I don't have class this morning and I'd rather sleep than go to the library like someone I know"fai answered.

"Whatever bye! " razny called as she left the dorm.

Razny's pov(at school) :

I got to school to get to the library, there are some books I need to study, I hate studying bit I have to if I want to graduate with a good result.

I got to the library and started scanning the shelves for the books I wanted.
I got some and it just remained some and they're over......
"Why are they so high, how am I supposed to reach that now?"

I got a chair to get up to reach the book and got on, but the stupid thing was still high so I stood on my toes to reach it.

"Come on, just a little bit more, damn it! So high"
I think I missed my balance because before I knew it I was falling"ahhh! " I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the pain but it never came, instead I was met with comfort, someone had caught me.

"Hey careful, you don't wanna hurt yourself"

I looked up to see the face of a guy, damn it he's Heavenly, at first I forgot I was in the arms of a guy I don't know, a really good looking guy at that.

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