4 .this new work

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When Lucian left me in the doorway, everybody in the kitchen came up to me. They asked me so many question,  I was paralysed, until one woman, with light, pastel blue hair tied in a bun, came up to me and gave a death glare to all the others. She yelled at them to get back to work. When she turned back to me she told me in the sweetest gentle voice you could imagine.

"Hello, my name is Bella and I am the head of the kitchen. If you are here, it must mean that you will be going on the empty job, which is the washer. So, what's your name?"
I just stood there, frozen in space. This woman is unbelievable and don't get on her bad side. She can be killing someone and the next moment giving you a massage.

"Name's Ally and my job is basically washing all the dishes and pans??"
Bella nodded and started to introduce me to the other, one by one, she finally stopped at a curtain.

"The washing room in just behind" I swear I heard her add a 'good luck', must've been my imagination. I opened the curtain and yelled.
"WHAT IS THIS PLACE??" Turning around, I swear they went all quiet and all looked away, avoiding me eye contact. Behind the curtain is just, one word, 'hell'. The 'good luck' was true, so the first thing I had to do was clean the place then, and only then, can start cleaning the dishes.

I spend two hours going back and forth with buckets and scrubs. The place was a total mess. Looking back at my work, I sigh, only half of the work is done.
Now was the dishes that haven't been washed from the last washer worked, which I suppose was month ago. Most of the plates had moisture on them and the crew is giangatic. Someone told me they are about 200 together. Luckily some people shares their containers to eat.

The thing is that the washers doesn't just wash all day, when the meals are cooked, the washer has to go on each and every single deck and hand out the dishes, and you have to count them too.

When the dishes were ready I took the name list and about five plates balancing on my arms. At my thirty second time, in less than an hour, going back to the kitchen, I had twenty names left on my list. I was starting to get tired, very tired.

I knocked and one of the doors I didn't go to last time. To my surprise Lucian opened the door ,with Marko napping on one of the bunk bed, he took two plates from me. Lucian placed them on the table in the cabin and took the two other ones to help me.

"I don't need to give you our names, do I?" Lucian joked.
"Nah, I'm fine." I took the scroll from my pocket and ticked two names out - Lucian Mercedy and Marko Jonasson. I was going to pick the dishes that Lucian was holding but he kept them, walked out of the room and closed the door.

"What are you doing??" I asked him, not understanding what he was doing.
"I'm helping you from now on, you're too tired to keep on going alone. Come on."

I rolled the list I had in my hands and went to the next door, knocked on it and a drunk looking man came out. He took a plate from Lucky and slaked the door close.
"That," my helper said, " is Chris, he is always drunk but often a great help. If you forget his manners."

After about ten times going to the kitchen, I was on my way to the captain's cabin on the third deck. Shivers went down my spine as remembered the look in his eyes before, I was all alone because Lucky started getting the plates from the one who are finished.
I knocked three times on the door, a muffled 'who's there' was heard. I said that it was the dinner and few seconds later the opened, a sleepy captain looking down at me. What surprised me is that he ruffled my hair, took the plate from my hands and said 'thanks'.

What a day, this new work is killing me.

Word count 727

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