the fight

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I could have killed that guy, but.....

Someone stopped me, the person took hold of my wrist and said..
"Als, you have to calm down. If you don't, we could all die."

I looked up towards that person, I was shocked, so were all the other crew members.
Lillian, my sister, was holding my wrist. Her hood was down, her shoulder length blood red hair flying in the wind. No one ever saw her face, nor her hair.

The last thing I remembered was her hair becoming longer, then black took me in.
I fainted in the middle of a fight. I didn't even fight at all, well, nearly.

When I woke up later, I could hear different voices, but I couldn't hear what they said. One shouted over the others, the chatter died down.
I opened my eyes, I was in the same place as I first woke up on the ship. The infirmary, or also know as the moving hospital.

I wasn't able to see the ceiling and its flowing fabrics. Someone was right in front of me, light hair caught my attention.

"Ally, are feeling better?" Bella asked me while helping me up in a seating position.
"Yeah." I told her in the little of my voice I had left. She nodded and went to help other people in the room.

She walked to the door and told us she was getting food. When she walked through the door, I looked at the other patients on the room.
Lucian wasn't in the room, my sister wasn't either. Marko was seating on a chair at the back of the room, he was wrapping his own wounds.

The door was pushed open, I thought that it was Bella, but I couldn't see any body coming through it.
"Meow." That little sound caught me of guard.

I looked at the side of the bed, Lascarina was at my side. She jumped on the bed and curled into a ball on my legs, I started to pet her when the door opened.
Bella came through with two platters of food. She gave one to each patient, I was last.

"I know what you're going to ask me." She said to me while giving a little bowl to the cat.
"I will tell you only if you tell me how Lillian knows you. Deal?"

I shouldn't have said yes at her, but I was so scared about my friends and what happened.
"Deal. Lillian is . .. . my.. . .." I looked down in shame.
"If I tell you, you are not allowed to tell anybody else."

"Don't worry, with me, your secret is safe." She told me holding out her pinky. I took it.
"She's my sister's." Bella was looking straight at me.

"Did I hear that right? She's your sister. I thought that you were a single child." She added under her breath something about our resemblance.
"I though that too, but when I went to buy Lucian's present. She saw me and took me to an alley and said to me that my parents erased my memory of her because she ran away when I was about four. That's why her and my presents are matching."

Bella was in shock for a few more minutes until she remembered her part if the deal.

"You're right, when you blacked out, Lillian's hair grew as long as yours and she began attacking the man. She was using some kind of time magic because we couldn't see any of her moves, after a while, the guy fell to the floor. She glared at all the enemies and said those words..
"If any of you hurt my girl, in any way, you are dead! Am I heard?!?"
She scared the life out of them because they all jumped over board with the unconscious ones.

She picked you up, her hair shortening at the same time. She also picked up Lucian's body and went to the infirmary. I followed her to help heal any of you, I was already helping someone else, so I had to help you later.
When I came back to the infirmary, you were there, but not Lucian.

She told me that she put him in our room so she could heal him, even if he was a boy in a girl's room, the cap understood and let her do that.
He hasn't been getting any better, Lillian has been on edge."

When Bella told me that, I was supper worried. I jumped out of bed, just to find out that my legs were all tingling.
I fell on the floor,my hands in front of me.

"Call down, you only just woke up." The Light blue haired girl said. She helped me up on my feet and dropped me on the bed.
"What do you mean by 'He hasn't been getting any better'." I asked her, for some reason, I really was afraid for him. I wanted, no, needed him too be okay. I needed him to be getting better.
He has to get better.

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