a magical history

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He has to get better.

I ran to my room, but before I could get there, I strong wind pushed me to the ground.
In front of me, in the ship's corridor, was a small tornado. Bella was holding onto the railing to stop herself from falling.

With a lot of my energy gone, I managed to open the door to my small dorm. What I saw inside shocked me, Lucian was laying on top of the empty bed,ire like hovering over it.
The wind was coming from around him, he looked like if he was in pain.

I don't know how I was able to, but I pushed myself on Lucian, making him fall down in the bed.
All the wind around us disappeared in an instant and Bella burger through the doors of the room.

"How were you able to come this far in?" The expression on her face was amazement, "No one managed to come two metres away from the door from what I heard the others say."
I looked up to see Lillian next to me and at least ten others in the doorway.

I smiled and laughed a little.
"That must mean I'm amazing!" I joked before standing up and sitting down on my bed.
It felt like I ran a marathon, I was panting and my hair was a mess.

Lillian walked over to Lucian and gave him a glass of water and some medication. His eyes were shut tightly, you could feel his pain by only looking at him.
"Sis, is there some kind of magic in his wounds? I thought that it was really rare."

I asked my sister, who was now seating on her bed, above me.
She layed back on her bed, looking up to the wooden ceiling, her gaze was distant.

Because no one, except me, Bella, Lucian and her, were in the room. She took her hood down, her green eyes looking in my blue ones.
"Yes, yes he does have magic in his wound. A magical item is less rare than a magician itself. The sword the guy used, was infused with wind magic, I am still asking myself how you were able to pass it."

My eyes sparkled a bit. I smiled and asked her..
"Sis, can you tell me about magic, like how it came to be and other things?" She smiled back and went to seat next to me on my bed. Bella came back in the room with three drinks and blankets.

Sis began telling the story of magic.

"Years ago, we were once a kingdom where every villagers had magic. They would appear at a young age and relate to their work, only a few didn't have magic.
But all of that came crashing down when the prince, at that time, didn't have any visible magic. He had some, but not visible, he could use telepathy.

The king was outraged that his son was the only one without visible magic that he banned the use of magic in his kingdom, and anybody who was seen using their powers would be put to death.
The prince did not agree with his father, and became depressed after the girl he loved was killed, he killed himself.

The king was sad wanted revenge, so he killed the family of the loved girl.
A war was now started between the kingdom and the royal family, all of the mages used their powers.
At the end if the war, only the non-magical people were left with a few wizards.

Magic couldn't be taught from one person to another, it would be passed down to one child out of ten. Mages would either make ten kids or hope for the best.
Each year, the villagers' number grew, and the mages' decreased.

From this day, only 13 mages are recorded, I being one of them. There are about 200 magical weapons that are officially known." My mouth was wide open, my drink was cold.
I couldn't believe what I heard, she king actually did that to his kingdom because his so didn't have visible magic.

The three of us turned and looked towards the door. A mumbling sound was heard again, I looked over to Lucian.
He was sweating bullets and clutching the bed sheets tightly, he even had trouble breathing.

Then, like nothing happened, he slowly opened his eyes. He turned his.head in our direction, his eyes looking straight into my blue ones.

For once, he was creeping me out.

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