The Storm

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Seagulls shriek in the clear blue skies, not even the sounds of waves could be heard. We've been waiting for a whole day for wind to come.
The breeze was so light that we couldn't even blow the drying cloths.

Bella has been helping all around the ship from sawing pants to scrubbing the decks.
For more than 24 hours we've been working on things we would forget about, I have been in the crow's nest all day. No other ships in sight.

The captain told me to tell him that if a royal ship was in sight, I was told to make a sign for attention so we could register as magic users.
Being in the nest was very boring, I was thinking all day about the dream that I had and what sis told me.

I absolutely had no idea how she learned about it and how she disappeared the day after.
Looking over the calm sea made me more relaxed.

The eighth day of boredom, all the crew mates were all full of energy. From what I heard from Marko, it was the captain's twentyth birthday. I mean, the captain I'd not twenty. Hell no. But it will twenty years since he started as a captain.

About six month, and it feels like I've been here for years. All these thoughts were flying through my head as I scanned the horizon, still not a ship in sight.
"Sigh~" I sighed

Suddenly, a flash of light came in the distant sky. I reacted and bent over the border of the nest.
"STORM COMING!!" I shouted to the crew below me, each hurrying to their posts.

I jumped through the trap door and descended the ladder, my feet were dragging me down at an incredible speed.
With the few days we had here, I managed to train a little with Lucian on my magic.

I was now able to make something in a shape that looked like what I had in mind. Lucian, on the other hand, was able to make a small wind appear. But it wouldn't be strong enough to push the ship away.
We were stuck in one place for more than a week not able to do anything, except useless chores.

The storm was drawing nearer and nearer by the second, the crew members were running around quickly from one plan to another doing all sorts of things. For a birthday party, a wonderful weather would be preferable, but no luck to us.

I caught up with Bella in the kitchen because we all had a place to go to during a storm.
You would do a few things you are assigned to do, like verify all of the knots in a section, then you would meet up somewhere.
I was told to meet up in the kitchen if a storm came up in the vast ocean.

When I bolted through the kitchen door, all the cooks, including black, were looking at me weirdly.
I sat down on the floor to catch my breath, looking up slowly to meet with Bella's eyes.
"Storm coming." I managed to mutter with the small air I had.

That night was one of the worst I ever had.
You couln't even see two meterds in front of you.

Lighting bursted in the black sky above, never have I ever been this scaredin my life. My bare feet couln't stay on the wooden deck, the water was like a river, the water stream was pulling me to the front.
lightnight lit the dark sky again, startling me, I lost concentration and slipped on the drenched floor. The water flow dragged me to the front of the ship.

I thought that i was a goner, how wrong i was, i felt a hand holding onto me tightly.
"Hold on, Al!" it screamed over the rain, he was holding onto a side for support and not be taken too. while pulling me up, another lightning strucked and landed on the center mast.
Even in the weather, we had to work. if any of the crew missed any details, we could actually be gone forever.

Lu pulled me up higher into his arms, hugging me tightly to his chest. The rain still pouring do not on us above the decks.
I screamed when we both slipped on the water and started rolling down the deck. He grunted when his back hit the front side of the ship.

After that, I don't remember anything. I think I blacked out in the impact.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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