6 .this new group

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From all I know is that we were already at Adronel, the place I dreaded the most. A few minutes ago we were all asked to go on the top deck, the captain will tell us the groups.

"EVERYBODY," he yelled over everyone's voices, all the chatter died down, "we are having ten groups of 5-10." At this sentence I thought this I would be one of them that stays on the ship, sadly no.
"Group one are : Lucian, Marko, Lillian, Ally and Bella. Here's your list."

Bella went to her the get the list and we started to head out of the boat when I asked.
"Uhm ... Bella, aren't we missing someone??" She looked at me before smiling.

"I see where you are going, Lillian never let's someone see her. If you look at the list, there are L's next to a quarter of the items, that's what she'll be taking, normally" For me, this Lillian is a real mystery. "Have any of you seen her??" I asked the group, they all shook their heads in a no. I wanted to know because I'm quite a curious, but I shouldn't put myself in trouble.

"Do you know who has seen her?" Bella knew where this was going, she walked a little faster, her light coloured hair flying in the wind. Her eyes looking on the list.

"We should hurry, let's do the fruits first." She told the group before being interrupted be a meow. Lascarina followed us and was purring a my feet. Lucian was laughing.
"What's so funny, Lu?" I said looking behind me to where he was.
"She spends more time with you than me and she knows you for only a short amount of  time."

I looked around for Bella, but she seemed to have disappeared I turned around to look for her but no signs anywhere. Marko seemed to be doing the same thing as me, whereas Lucian was just daydreaming.

We waited a few minutes chatting about anything and everything, just when I heard.
"Allyana, where were you?!" I turned my gaze to Lucian, who seemed to understand me. I kept my back towards them, my parents.

My small mother had her red hair tied back in a bun and my father was taller than me and had the same hairstyle as he did before I left, his blond hair bend back with gel. My mum was going to hug me but I stepped on the side.

"What do you want with Ally, may I ask?" Marko asked politely, looking at them. I guessed, my dad would be rude and say he wants me home, away from delinquents like them.
"Give back my daughter, you delinquents!!" I guessed it right, huh. I sighed. To my luck, Bella just arrived and knocked him out cold with one punch on his head. He was dropping to the ground when I caught him and passed him to mum. She was still petrified.

"Bella, you shouldn't have been so hard on him. We could have talked, you know." She looked at me and gave me six bags full of fruits.
"I don't sympathize with guys who are rude to the crew mates." She said coldly, that, is her in a bad mood. She turned to the boys and gave them four sacks full of potatoes each , I have absolutely no idea how she carried them here.

"We're going, Lillian already got the rest of the things." She turned to my mum, "Thank you your quietness, oh, and don't come for Ally. She's one of us now, she'll be okay with us. We protect our family." And with that she turned back to the ship and started to walk.
It was an awkward silence the way back until Lucian added one of his jokes.

"Hey Bella, how long did it take you to write that speech?"
"I talked with Lillian, and no, if you were wondering, I didn't see her. She was wearing a cloak in a dark alleyway, there, e told me what she got. Which ended up being all the list, almost." Marko turned to me and asked.

"When you parents said Allyana, is that your full version of your first name?" I nodded and added " And how did you know they were my parents and not guardian or something else?"
"It was obvious, you are a perfect mix of both of them."

I like my new friends, this new group.

Word count 745

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