If only you knew

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Hello, author here. This is just a message to dedicate this book to my weird friends,
Kaitlyn, who I have a restraining order with,
And Morgan (the most annoying of all).

Lucian closed his eyes and smiled.
"How long was I out for?" He asked me. I shook my head because I had no idea either, he looked over to Bella.
"Do you know?" He asked her in a murmur.

Bella let out a sigh and started counting on her fingers.
"Lucky, you were out for a day. And Ally was out for, about, twenty hours." I chocked on my drink.

"I was out for nearly a whole day?" I was bewildered, I thought I was out for only a few hours.
She nodded before recovering the drinks and walking out of the room.
I looked over to my sister who was sitting silently.
"Sis, what actually happened to me? You told me about others, but not me."

She gave me a worried glance, her eyes staring blankly at the wooden floor. My own sister was avoiding my question. I hated it, I always hated it when people avoid questions. She was now getting on my nerves, yes, I have a very short temper. Raising my voice a little, I repeated my question louder.
"What happened to me after I blacked out?!? Why did I faint?!?"

I could feel the temperature in the room lowering until it came to a freezing point. Lu was a little startled, he started to rub his arms for more warmth. Bella, who just came back in the room, had wide eyes. I looked down at my hands, they were a different colour, they were a whity-blue colour. Snowflakes were moving around them.
"Wh-what's happening here??" Bella asked with a shivering voice.

I have to admit it, I was freaked out. What would you do if you got angry and snow and cold started forming around you? I'm sure you would freak out too.
I managed to mumble a 'sis' before I lost consciousness a second time.

When I woke up again, I felt weight around my waist and sweat on my forehead. I looked down to my stomach, I saw a tuff of red hair, sis.
Behind her, in the beds opposite my own, were a sleeping Bella and Lucian. About him, I don't think he was sleeping well.

I gently sat up, and placed Lillian's head on the bed, and went over to Lu's bed. He was gritting his teeth and clutching into his necklace, like it was strangling him.
I shook his shoulders to wake him up, Hus eyes opened as soon as I touched him.

Lu's eyes were a bright orangy colour instead of their usual chocolaty brown, when he saw me, his eyes went back to its normal colour.
"Thank god you're still alive." He said to me while sitting up.

I gave him a weird look, what did he mean by 'still alive'.
He rubbed sweat of his forehead, his hands were trembling slightly as he looked at them.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Al. You see, when you fainted, it was because you couldn't control you powers that you unlocked.
I read that when people with magic don't know how to control their powers, they can faint. Which is what happened to you a few hours ago and at the fight." Lu explained to me, I was still having those thoughts that he was lying to me.

"Then, Lu, explain to me why you were surrounded by wind and was hovering over the bed a few hours ago? Don't tell me that, you too, found out that you had rare magic."
He seemed a little shocked at my question, a slight grin grew on his face.

"Forgot that she is curious and she is quite sharp." I heard him mumble to himself which earned him a glare.
"Hey, Lu?" I asked him, a little awkwardly. He perked up at the mention of is name.

"Did you just dream of me dying, or something?" Lu's eyes looked down at his hands. He dropped one of them on my shoulder, he squeezed it.
"Don't ask more, what would you do if your closest friend got taken away while being beaten and you could do nothing. I could have moved at a moment, but I didn't. They just pushed a blade through your body. Pretty gruesome, isn't it?"

Lu's question was obviously rhetorical, no answer needed.
"I would be scared as hell. I'm going to bed, thanks though." I said at the same time as standing up and turning around to my bed.
"For what?" I heard him say, I turned my head around, giving him a sweet smile.

"For bringing me to this ship." I mumbled, covering myself with the small blanket.
The last thing I heard him say before I fell in a deep slumber was. . . .

'If only you knew, Al, if only you knew.'

Word count 835

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