the dream(s)

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All I remember that day, is that I woke up to find the room empty. Lu was gone, so were Bella and sis.
I took off my cover and slipped out of bed, a small piece of paper was resting in the petite deal. I took it and read.

'Just to say that Lillian left yesterday and that Bella is trying to help me.
Turns out, I did have magic. Air or sky magic, a bit weird.
If you are looking for us, we are on the empty room.

I changed my clothes and made my way the room the room indicated.
Now, we would be three magic users in one place. There are about twenty magic users in the country, and three will be in the same place.

I was about to knock on the door, voices behind it made me stop, it was my sister, Lu, Bella and the cap.

"Lucian, you and Allyana need o register at the royal palace because of your powers" I heard the captain say.
"But, cap, we're pirates, they'll attack us when the guards will know." Lu argued
"They will think we'll use our powers against them." Bella added.

I knocked on the door, the argument stopped.
"Enter." I heard the captain say. Turning the door knob, three pair of eyes fell onto me.

"Oh, Allyana, please join us around the table." Cap said, drawing out a fourth chair and adding it to the others around the table.
"We were just talking about how we should pass the guards in front of the royal palace. They wouldn't let pirates pass." He went on.

I sat down in the new seat and started thinking.
"I think the easiest way would be to look like villagers with costumes, they shouldn't suspect villagers to turn their backs on the kingdom because they have magic." After I gave them my idea, Lucian was nodding her head in agreement. The cap had his mouth wide open, so was Bella's.

I gulped, thinking I said some the bad. But, how wrong I was, the captain soon agreed too.
"That, is one fabulous idea." Bella finally said, patting me on my back. "But we still have two days until we can finish putting the plans together."

After our small talk, Lu and I went to the top deck. It was a wreck, even if two days had passed, planks of wood were torn off or bent downwards. Lu and I decided to seat on some barrels under the deck, Lascarina came to us almost immediately.
I started petting her, her soft purring was the only noise in the gigantic room. Lu was sharpening his blade, the atmosphere was calm and relaxing.

"Lu, what was your dream really about?" I asked him, my voice was sharper than it usually was. He flinched a little, I knew he didn't want to answer my question, but he had to.
"I really did not want you to know, but, I guess, I have no choice. It's a bit worse than what I told you."

He gave a sad glance at me, my expression not changing.
"You have been warned, farewell." He joked a little,. Me laughing alongside him.

"I think this is set in the future, you looked older.

'We were both sleeping in the same bed peacefully, when someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed..
'Let go of me.' The only thing this person did was cover my mouth.

I looked over to you to make sure you were safe, buy I was wrong. You were sweating bullets, your mouth covered too.
I felt pain at the back of my head, and blacked out. The next time I woke, I was in the lower deck of a boat. When the guy that was holding in back, came in next to me, kicked me in the ribs and went on like that.

For some unknown reason, I wasn't able to use my magic. After nine month of being stuck there, I managed to escape, I could use my magic.
When you woke me up, I got caught back and beaten.'

That, is all I remember. When you woke me up, I was holding onto the necklace you gave me back cause it was the only thing I had left of someone else. Anybody I was close to" Soon after Lu finished telling me his dream, I was in tears.

"That's so sad, how could you dream of something like that?" I cried loudly, tears streaming down my face.
Lu chuckled slowly, stood up and held onto the necklace.

"I have no idea, but, I wish you don't dream of something like this horrible." Lu walked out of the door, going in his room.
I heard heard a chuckle from the inside of the room I was standing in. Turning around, I saw Lillian laughing on a rum barrel.

"Sis, what are you doing here?" I asked her, "I thought that you left yesterday." She stood up, dusted her clothing and threw her cloak on.
"You should tell him about your dreams too." She walked to the door, her brown cloak swaying at her movements.

"He needs to know."
And with that, she disappeared into thin air. Her words ringing in my ear.

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