7 .this new member

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This thing about Lillian was creeping me out, the information I got from the others were weirder and didn't make sense. It wasn't logical. The information I got were:
.she's a girl
.she's about 28 y.o.
.she's strong (very)
.she's knows the captain
.the captain is one of the four that has seen her
.she has a relationship with someone on the ship (I think that its the captain)
.she's a mystery to many of the crew
.some past her, but she was in a cloak
.some even said that she could time travel.

You see what I meant, it didn't make any sense and I couldn't find this person in any of the books in the library. And I was having two time more work to do, now I realized why I was supposed to leave a plate on the top deck. It was for her, the only one I haven't met yet.

Today was the twelth of October, five days before my birthday and one before Lucian's. I was strolling in the harbor with Marko, looking for a present for my other friend's 21st birthday. I found a chain with a little cat and a water droplet pendants.

We just shuffled into a pet shop because Marko thought that a name tag for his cat would be a good present and that the streets were crowded. When we walked out he had a little paper bag with it and I had mine the other shop.
Me and the pirate next to me, were thinking about the cake. If we should make it, or buy one at a cake shop but our conversation was interrupted by a figure standing in front of us. This person had a long cloak, under the cloak I could see dark brown thick boots.

"Are you Ally, Allyana Malikian?" The stranger asked in the gentlest feminine voice. I looked at Marko for his opinion, he nodded. I turned towards the hooded female.
"Yes, yes I am."

"Come with me." She said before dragging me into a dark alley, I had an idea of who she was, Lillian, but that wouldn't make sense at all to me.
When she stopped she dropped what she was holding and ..... hugged me?? Why would she hug me? I couldn't see her face but she was holding mine before saying " wow, you've grown so much from the last time I saw you."

I was stunned, one, she knew me, two, she acts like we were best friends.
"Should I know you?" I asked as if I had memory loss. She looked at the ground and mumbling something about killing her dad about that. She took a deep breath and answered

"Yes." she looked in my eyes, hers glittering in the dark, "Yes, you should. You must have heard of me on the ship, Lillian. I'm your sister, they abandoned me when you were four. I was twelve."
She hugged me once again and her hood fell off.

"I knew dad would have erased your memory of me, you might not remember me, but I remember you." She was smiling, crying of happiness, she found her little sister after after sixteen years. 'I wish I could remember you.' I mumbled while hugging her back. I really wished I could.

She let go of me and told me before leaving.
"Bake a cake yourself, he would prefer that."

When I went back, to where I left Marko alone. He was standing, looking at his shopping. When he saw me he smiled.
"Hey Ally, what did Lillian wanted to talk about?" I moved my gaze to him, my smile spreading over my face. "She also said it should be better to make the cake."

He looked at me confused and impressed. Confused because I didn't really answer his question, and impressed because she wouldn't talk to anybody else. I started walking towards the ship, him catching up behind me.
I went inside the kitchen after dropping mine and Marko's present in my room, so that Lucian couldn't see his present before the events. When I walked in the noisy room, I greeted the people who saw me and arrived to my workplace.

I was so happy that day, all because of my family. This new member of it.

Word count 716

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