Chapter 20

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Hello :)

I hope you like this chapter, a little bit sad but I had to write it. 

Only one chapter left! To Love a Fighter will only have 21 chapters so it is really ending. I'll try to post the last one this week :)

Enjoy your reading

Chapter 20

When I woke up, the next morning, and looked at my reflection in the mirror, the first thing that passed through my mind was 'I look dead'. And that was exactly how I felt. I had dark circles under my eyes, my skin was pale and clammy, with a sick look. My appearance was of a person who was a shell, nothing more.

I didn't feel my heart, it was like he was numb. I didn't feel pain either. Or happiness, or joy. I couldn't feel a thing.

As I went to take a shower, the awful memories of last night swept over me, making me gasp and lean over the tub so I wouldn't fall. Not even a full day had passed since we had made up and we were mad at each other again. But this time was worse because Gabriel had made a choice, he chose fighting over me. I wasn't even sure if I was mad or just sad, I couldn't feel anything. He didn't need me as I needed him.

Letting the water wash over me, I didn't even bother to turn on the hot water, I couldn't feel it anyway. I got out of the shower, twenty minutes later, and dressed like I was in an auto-pilot. With almost robotic movements, I pulled up my washed out jeans, a large black hoodie and white sneakers. I tied my hair in a messy ponytail and went downstairs.

Ven had texted Taylor, he knew it would kill me to be in the same space as Gabriel in such a short period of time after our fight, and she was going to pick me up. She didn't ask anything because she knew that, if it was Ven calling, it was bad.

I wasn't hungry, so I just remained sitting on the kitchen stool, looking out of the window without actually seeing anything. Ten or fifteen minutes later, a car honked and I lazily picked up my bag and went to Taylor's car.

Neither of us talked about last night, we chit chat about small things but not once his name was mentioned. I watched, absentmindedly, the first fluffy snow flakes start to fall, in a couple of hours all would be covered in a soft white blanket. I loved the snow but it was not enough to make me smile, not that day. Apparently, I had spaced out because, the next thing I remembered, was Taylor gently calling my name.

We got out of the car and Jodie immediately came to us. She tried her best to act normal but it was all too forced, she was desperatly trying to be her happy usual self without touching the touchy subject. Jodie wasn't being convincing, at all, but I apreciated her effort.

I saw that the black truck I knew so well was not in the parking lot yet and a sigh of relief found its way out of my lips. I wasn't going to stand around and wait, so I started taking slow and sleepy strides towards the main building. I felt sick, my throat was aching and I had a major headache but I didn't knew if I was actually sick or if my body was crumbling with the pain of my crushed heart. I could not feel but I knew it was hurting.

When I heard a familiar roar of an engine, I quickened my step and, seconds later, I was safely in the building.

Striding through the halls, I made my way to my locker. I opened it and took out the books I needed for the day, closing it afterwards. When I looked to my right, there was Jason, smilling warmly at me. I didn't returned the smile, not because I was being rude but because my mouth refused to move.

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