A New Beginning

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 Dez had never really felt anxious until now. She found it strange that she had the desire to pace back and forth in her home, constantly peering over at the clock. Her expression remained neutral, but her head was racing with anticipation. Where was he? It was ten in the evening now, and he hadn't come. Had the flies finally discovered his secret meetings with her? No, that couldn't be the case. He always came after the flies left for their homes. Maybe one of the guards had found him in the halls or saw him roaming the halls on the security cameras.

Not knowing what was keeping her friend made her all the more nervous. If he was found out, what would happen to him? What would the consequence be for him visiting her? She just didn't know. In fact she didn't understand why he couldn't see her in the first place. Dez knew that he was behind one of the white doors, and she was forbidden from opening them to see what was beyond, but Chance didn't have such restrictions. Could he just not leave his room? Even if that were the case, why was it?

Furthermore, why were all these questions surfacing now? They were there in the back of her mind, but they never were so bothersome. She wouldn't dwell on them for long, but merely acknowledge their existence and move on with her day to day life. Perhaps this change was due to the opening of that door; it had to be. Not only did she unveil the secrets behind one of the doors but she also unlatched the door to all these questions. No longer could they be held in. It just didn't make sense why her mother would want to hide a sitting room and Chance from her. Neither of the two caused her any harm. If anything, both only added positive notes to her life.

She wished she could confront her mother on these topics, but then her mother would find out about the door and Chance. Not only that but also the worker Vance might be found out. Even if she were to ask about the flies' purpose, the security cameras or the guards, her mother would merely keep her in the dark and question her curiosity.

Her thoughts dissipated when she heard the door to her room open. Grey eyes turning instantly in that direction, she inwardly sighed out of relief. Chance closed the door behind him and offered a small smile. His hands, though, were behind his back, and he glanced to the side. Dez wondered what he was up to, but frankly she was just glad that he showed up. With this relief surging through her, she briskly walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Caught off guard by this action, Chance peered down at her, as a light blush decorated his cheeks. He would've wrapped his arms around her, returning the gesture, but his hands were currently holding onto something. She soon pulled away and looked up at him, her grey eyes holding his blue gaze.

"You took too long," she stated, crossing her arms over her chest and appearing to look upset despite the expressionless look on her face.

Not replying to her statement, he merely chuckled lightly before bringing his hands out to the front of him. Dez's eyes widened just a little, when she saw what lay in his hands. If she so wanted she could've taken the item herself, but Chance bringing it to her improved its value. In his hands was one of the bags of dark chocolate chips. Its presence in the kitchen wouldn't be too missed, for the chefs could always obtain another. Besides, they rarely utilized the sweet morsels; they just had them stored in the freezer should they ever require them. He held the bag out to her, and she gladly took it before stepping to side, so that he may see the slice of cake on her dresser. Glancing at the cake slice with the blue candle on top, he grinned before ruffling her hair a bit.

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