Only More Mysteries

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 After they had explained to the other what they had learned, silence existed between the two of them. Both seemed to be going over the information. Dez couldn't believe that her mother had sent more flies into her room. She had thought the first search to be the last. It would seem that she could no longer make that assumption. Her mother, apparently, wouldn't give up so easily on the key. Chance never mentioned having the guards search his room after their investigation ended, when he took the key to his room. Then again, if they examined the room in the night, he might've been fast asleep.

For seventeen years she had been restricted from going beyond the white doors; she still was, but she worked around the system. Luck had been on her side, and she entered a room that was usually beyond her access. Regardless of luck, the possible connection between the key and her most likely sent her mother into a panicked state. With the way her mother always analyzed her words, Dez should've applied her persistence to the search for the missing key.

As for Chance, his mind was riddled with questions about the meeting between Dez's mother and the woman named Keri. He didn't know any worker by that name, but he knew very few to begin with. Moreover, the two terms puzzled him. They could mean so many things. Only the context of the conversation could aid him in his understanding. It was evident that they were examining something, as they mentioned "examinations" in their talk, but what was it?

His mind traveled to the injections he received at times. Likewise, blood was drawn from him on occasion just like it was from Dez. According to Dez's mother and the other workers, they were for their health. Just how many injections would he need before he became "'healthy"? What was even in the injections? How many blood samples did they need? They seemed to take too many of them.

Switches kept flicking on in his head. If the terms were related to these matters, the word "ones" may very well refer to the two of them. Following that line of thought, her mother and the worker mentioned them sharing something. Was that something the "factors"? Furthermore, if these shared "factors" weren't successful in the examination, what tests were they going to perform instead?

A chill ran up his spine at the thought. His imagination only worsened the thought, and slowly fear began to creep up his skin. Perhaps, he was wrong about the meaning of the two terms, but maybe he wasn't. Whatever these tests were, they could still be using them to benefit Dez and him. The problem, in that train of thought, was the fact that if they were the "ones" then they would've already been "accepted". What that term meant was beyond him. Exactly, what were they "accepted" for? Had they already been cured of something? Were they just successful test subjects being utilized to provide some answers for a project Dez's mother was performing?

"Any ideas?" Dez's voice sounded, breaking him from his thoughts.

Sitting up some more on the bed, he wore a grim countenance and replied, "This conversation doesn't sit well with me, Dez. I'm worried for the both of us."

It may be that Dez's mother was attempting to aid them or another, but a bad feeling was developing in his gut. The new examinations would start later in the morning, giving them not much time to do anything. He didn't even know what they could do. Frankly, they might very well have to take the exams. They could really just hope that the tests wouldn't end in horrendous results. If only he knew the subject of the tests. What could they be examined on, though? Would more injections or samples of blood be taken? That wouldn't make sense, since they had done those in the past; they were performing different exams after all.

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