Grey Descent

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 Having no clue as to what Chance told Ms. Waters, Dez could only presume that he came up with a similar plan to hers. This was due to the fact that she was called for no more exams for the remainder of the week. Instead, she played her role of normality and passed the time by. Thankfully, no flies entered her room during the night either. She would purposefully stay up late into the early morning just to make sure no one came inside.

At the current moment, however, it was the seventh night, or rather the last night before Chance and she made their trip to the sublevel. She had never felt quite so excited before. Well, maybe she had when she entered the sitting room, but this was even more than that. Not only was she going behind the white doors but also she was going to be on an entirely new floor.

Hopefully, they would find answers to the actual meaning of the conversation between Ms. Waters and her mother. Granted, Chance's assumptions seemed to make sense. Thus, if he were right, then all they would need is her mother's reasons. Why was her mother looking for shared characteristics between Chance and her? What goal was she working towards?

Pushing her curiosities aside, she needed to focus on retrieving a screwdriver. She knew there was one in one of the kitchen drawers, since she came across it a few years back. Of course, the chefs weren't pleased with her snooping around their workplace, but she had merely stated that she forgot where the forks were. Groans of annoyance were passed among them before they returned to their tasks.

Right now, she didn't need to worry about the chefs but the camera in the kitchen. It would seem odd for her to open a drawer that she rarely touched in the past. The guard or guards that watched the cameras would know which drawer the utensils were in. Thus, she would need to figure out a way to get the screwdriver without seeming suspicious. Knowing that she could pull something off, she exited her room, wearing a black jacket, white tank top, black shorts and black slippers.

On her way to the kitchen, she took notice that the one light bulb had been replaced. Once again, the bright light reflected off the beige tile and illuminated the nearby white doors. Personally, she wished that it wouldn't be fixed. All of the lights in this hall weren't needed. They only added to the feeling of being constantly watched. Technically, she was under continual surveillance, though, due to the security cameras.

Soon, though, she had entered the kitchen. Looking around at the metal filled room, she wondered what she could due to fool the person watching in the security room. Her grey eyes landed on the fridge, and a simple plan came to mind. Opening the metal box, she pulled out a carton of orange juice. With that in hand, she set it on the metal kitchen island and took the cap off after closing the refrigerator. She proceeded to grab a glass for the juice from one of the metal cupboards. Once the glass was in her hand, she set it on the island. Instead of pouring the juice into the glass, she pretended to accidently knock the carton of juice over.

As the orange liquid spilled onto the floor, she picked the carton back up and set it on the counter. With that part of the plan completed, she searched the kitchen for a towel. During this investigation, she stopped at the drawer where she remembered seeing the screwdriver. Opening that drawer and the drawer next to it, she angled herself so that the camera could only see the back of her. Quickly, she spotted the screwdriver and placed it in her inside jacket pocket. With the item she desired now in her grasp, she closed both drawers and proceeded with finding a towel. The moment she found one, she heard the kitchen door open. Halting her movement, she turned around to see someone unexpected.

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