Potential Discovery

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 "We'll take the same way that we took last time into the sublevel. The obstacle that we'll face this time is the problem of getting into the room with the subject. Going through the air vents would be a fine idea, but if the air vent is sealed, we'll have no way to get into the room. I think what will work best is if we find the location of the room first by utilizing the air vents. Afterwards, we'll need to either attain the key to the room or break the lock by force," Chance stated, as he leaned against the bed, while his legs were spread out in front of him.

"What if the air vent isn't sealed?" questioned Dez, as she sat in a similar way to Chance.

"Then we go into the room that way. I have a feeling that it's not going to be that easy, though. Our other two options for getting into the room aren't the best. Ms. Waters most likely has the key, so we'll somehow have to break into her office. Granted, we'll need the key to her office, or somehow we'll have to manage to distract her long enough to get in, grab the key and get out.

"As for breaking the lock, it will create a lot of noise. Thus, we'll need a place to hide in, while security comes and checks on the sound. Since all the other doors will be locked, we'll need to hide somewhere in the room. This won't work, though, if the guinea pig decides to sell us out. Maybe, though, we'll get lucky, and they'll be unconscious. Honestly, both cases will have high risk to them; however, I know how you feel about risk, Dez. So, tell me, which do you think would be better?"

"We'll break the lock. The security will check the room, but we have the advantage here. When we're locating the room through the ventilation system, we'll also see the layout. Before we strike, we can plan out the best hiding place. As for the subject, we'll just have to hope that they'll be agreeable towards us. Granted, they are the cousin of Ms. Waters, so they still might be loyal to her. With this way, though, there is less of a chance of us coming into direct contact with Ms. Waters.

"She may come charging towards the room as well, but we'll be in hiding. If we were to try and sneak into her office, we might get caught on camera. Moreover, there's a higher chance of her seeing us, since we're in her territory," Dez responded, as she began to think of how to break the lock.

"If that's the case, what do you intend to use to break the lock?"

"I'll sneak something away from the kitchen again."

"Okay, I'll trust you with that matter then. Do you still have the screwdriver, though?"

"Yes, since apparently the kitchen staff didn't miss it. That morning after we ventured into the ventilation system of the sublevel, I walked into the kitchen only to hear them mentioning how they lost another screwdriver. They proceeded to mention that at least they still had quite a few more. Still, I think I'll only be able to steal a few more items before they start getting suspicious. It might be less, though, depending on what I take. Anyway, do you need the screwdriver?"

"Well, I'll need it to enter the ventilation system."

Her grey eyes widened a bit before turning to face her friend and asking, "You're intending to go in there alone and find the location of the room, aren't you?"

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