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I pressed my paintbrush against the canvas a final time, a thin white stroke against the greys of the ocean. I leant back onto the sand, sinking my fingers into it. The lap of the waves and the seagulls screeching above. It was comforting.

I lay there for a while before I stood up, brushing the sand off my dress and collecting my paints and brushes. I packed everything carefully back into my satchel and slung it over my shoulder. Tucking the finished painting under my other arm, I picked up my sandals and climbed back up the beach. Lee was at the top, sat on a bench, sketch book in hand.

"How's it coming along?" I asked walking round to the back of the bench and leaning over to look at it. "Nice, that's Mori isn't it?!"

I pointed out to where Mori was sat bobbing on the ocean.

"No!" He snorted. "It's Juliet look at the neck markings."

I looked back at the picture. He was right.

Lee and I had lived at the top of the beach for the past fifteen years and Mum had lived here with Dad three years before we were born.We had plans to move when Lee and I got to middle school but then Dad had died and Mum couldn't bear to leave the house.

I patted Lee's shoulder.

"I'm going in," I said. "Be back in time for dinner."

"Yes, yes," he mumbled waving me off as he went back to drawing Juliet.

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