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Mum was out at the Blake's again. On occasion Mum had come back and told me about their two children; Aurora and Samuel, she never had much to tell about them though. That might have been why I was so desperate to meet them. Mum never knew I couldn't see blue, I'd only ever told Lee; he, in turn, told me he couldn't see green, brown or yellow and although that was upsetting it made him all the more excited to meet his soulmate.

Summer was dragging to a close and the evenings had gotten chillier and a touch darker. Even so, I sat on the wooden patio, straining my neck, gazing up at the stars. The kitchen door slid open and Lee stepped out before dropping to sit beside me. He handed me a glass and I took a sip, gagging at the taste.

"Oh my god Lee, what is this?!" I spluttered.

"Rum," he replied simply.

I scoffed, "And where did you get it?"

"The kitchen," he said biting the inside of his mouth and tugging at his fringe.

"Nice try. One- I can tell when you're lying, I've known you since birth, and two- I know mum doesn't buy anything other than wine."

It was his turn to scoff, "Alright miss Holmes, I got it from a mutual friend of a friend, of a friend."

He sighed before washing back the rest of the rum and taking my glass, in turn, doing the same.

"Lee...." I murmured unsure what to say.

"It's fine, just some liquid courage," he smiled tilting his head.

"What for?" I asked.

"For when mum gets home and tells us she's set us up on a date with the Blake children," his smile faded slowly.

"It's not fair," he said frowning. "Why can't she just believe that I'm gay instead of trying to force me with every girl she finds."

"Lee...." I began again but he interrupted me by standing up and taking the glasses as he walked back to the door.

He paused tilting his head to the side, but not looking back, before whispering, "Enjoy the stars."

I closed my eyes letting out a heavy breath.

I was outside for about an hour alone before I heard someone sit beside me.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?!" She whispered and I could hear her smile. "Your father used to like doing this. He'd spend the whole night out here if he could."

I opened my eyes and turned to look at her. She was gazing up at the stars a small smile playing on her lips and as she turned to look at me her smile widened.

"Can you go find your brother? I have something to talk to you about."

I nodded, venturing inside to find Lee. I found him in front of his easel, painting Juliet from his sketch earlier.

"Lee," I began leaning against his door. "Mum wants to speak to us."

He shifted on the stool for a while before standing up and walking off in front of me.

Lee had sat in mum's space and she was stood in front of him gesturing for me to come over as I stood by the door. I shook my head at her and she smiled weakly but placed her hands together before beginning.

"As you know I've been having dinner with the Blakes every Sunday for the past two months. Our main topics are you, our children. I think I've told you before but they have two children: Aurora and Samuel. Aurora is a year younger than you two and Samuel is..." She paused tilting her head as she tried to recall the number. "Two years older. Anyway, we've arranged for you guys to meet."

"Like a date?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yes, Ellis, like a date," she said. "You and Samuel and Lee and Aurora."

Lee got up quickly and brushed past me as he stormed back inside the house.

She tried to smile at me as his bedroom door slammed but it ended up as a grimace.

"I can't believe you!" I turned to leave. "I thought maybe with Dad gone and all you could actually think about Lee for once. "

I bit my tongue as the words hung in the air before I stepped into the house sliding the door halfway shut behind me and going to my room.

I flopped down on the bed.

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