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I was still in shock of my own confidence of having been able to call Rory. My fingers fidgeted nervously near the stop button as I sat on the bus.

Lee had been overjoyed at the fact I was going out but I was grateful for the lack of questions. Mum was meant to be home and for her that meant bonding with whichever twin had nothing better to do. On this rare occasion, to his dismay, that person was him.

The bus swung round the corner and the library came into view. I pushed the button and slid off my seat.

I could see Rory from the bus stop. Her head tilted back as she sat under a gigantic tree. She glanced up, her eyes locking with mine, my body warming. I smiled and waved as I crossed the road.

"Hey," she said standing up.

"Hi," I said looking down at my scuffed trainers. "Was it alright getting here?"

"Yeah, I just walked Sammy to his friend's house."

"Cool," I murmured.

"Shall we get ice cream?" She asked slipping her arm into mine.

"What?!" I said my eyes widening as I looked at out intertwined arms.

"Ice cream? They do some nice flavours here," she squeezed by arm grinning at me.



"So what's up with your brother?" Rory asked biting into her cone.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he seems like he hides behind you, no offence?" She said.

I tilted my head, "None taken. He's just scared of getting hurt, he uses me as a shield."

She nodded.

"I don't mind," I added. "I just worry that one day I'm gonna hurt him."

She nodded again.

"What about you? Your brother?" I asked hoping I wasn't being rude.

"Sammy," she bit her lip. "He had a couple bad break ups, it made him cynical. But the guys he dated were asses so I kinda blame him."

I bit down on my spoon, wincing as my teeth collided with the metal. "Guys?"

"Yeah, my brother's gay," she clarified eyeing me wearily.

"Oh. Cool."

So cool Ellis, I scolded myself.

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