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"Sammy!" I squealed as I squeezed his arm. I ignored the eye roll he gave me and continued. "I saw her eyes. I really did! They were so blue."

Samuel stopped and turned to face me.

"Rory," his face was stern, scary even. "Repeat what you just said."

"I saw the colour of her eyes and they were blue."

Samuel shook his head, he thought I was joking about, "You don't even know what blue looks like. "

His brow furrowed. I took a deep exaggerated breath.

"I felt it Sammy, in my heart. She's my soulmate."

He shook his head again.

"Mum's not going to like this," he mumbled.

"Who gives a toss what mum likes," I snapped. "This is my life not hers. So if I've found my soulmate the least I can do is find out if I'm hers. "

Samuel shrugged, clearly uncomfortable, and continued walking.

"I'm going to see her again. I've got to know Sammy."

He looked back at me and nodded, the skin still crinkled by his eyes. He understood what I had to do; he just didn't like it.

"How'd it go?" Mum asked sitting me down at the dinner table.

Samuel had slunk off to his room and Dad hadn't come back from work yet. I'd scooped my hair back into a bunch and had changed into my even comfier clothes.

"Well I'm still gay so..." I said resting a finger on my chin.

Mum swatted at me. Deep down I felt like that's what she'd wanted to hear: that I was no longer gay. But with that out of the way she was now genuinely interested in how we'd gotten along.

"I enjoyed myself. Ellis was wonderful, she paints you know. Lee didn't talk much but neither did Samuel so I can't blame him. I think she wants to be friends." That was not a lie. I truly thought she wanted to be friends. But she could also be more. Much more. That, however, I would not mention to mum.

"That's great," mum smiled. "Thank you for going Aurora, I know I asked a lot of you and especially Samuel. But thank you."

I smiled back at her, "I'm sorry for what I said the other day."

She put her hand on mine and squeezed, "Don't worry about it."

She smiled, her eyebrow twitching, "Samuel hates me for making him do that though doesn't he?"

"No!" I assured her giving her hand a tight squeeze. "He's just hurt. He thinks you don't appreciate him for all that he is. And that hurts him."

Mum nodded slowly and took her hand back before standing up and retreating to her bedroom. I waited until her door was closed before going to Sammy's room.

"What?!" His voice was muffled from where I stood and I pushed the door open cautiously.

"Hey," I said leaning back against the door to close it.

Sammy shifted his headphones from his ears to his neck, sitting up slightly on his bed.

"Hey," he was stoic.

"Look, I know you didn't want to go today but you could have at least talked to him." Sammy shrugged.

"I don't get you Sammy. You're so cynical, you think everyone is like the guys you've already dated so you don't look for anyone new in case you're right. And you like being right because it means you won't get hurt but getting hurt is part of life and you'll never know unless you actually speak to them. Lee might have been into you, but you'll never know. I'm doing something about Ellis because I think she could be my soulmate, but you... you're not even trying. So you can't hate mum or dad or me or anyone other than yourself because you're the only one holding you back from having friends, or a boyfriend, or finding your soulmate."

Sammy blinked several times and then reached up to touch his headphones.

"Whatever Rory."

Blue (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now