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"Lee!" I called after him as he sped away. "Slow down!"

I paused, resting my hands on my knees and sucking in a deep breath. He didn't slow down.

"What's wrong!?"

He spun round glaring at me, "Why didn't you say no?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you say no to mum?! Or just come by yourself? It would have been better."

I ran the small distance between us and stopped in front of him.


"He didn't even look at me, Ellis."

I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry Lee. I really am."

He squeezed me tightly.

"Come on, lets go home."


"How was it?" Mum beamed as we entered the house.

Lee hung his head and trudged off to his room whilst I offered a shrug and retreated to my own.

I sat down on my bed and slipped off my shoes and socks, curling up under my covers and closing my eyes.


"El," Lee murmured shaking me out of sleep.
I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes. "What?"

"I need to show you something," he grasped my hand and pulled me out of bed.

I followed him groggily into the garden and down to the shed.

"What are we doing out here Lee? Are you drunk again?"

"No," he tutted pulling me towards the door as he fumbled in his pocket.

He pulled out a shiny brass key and slid it into the lock. He pushed the door open and tugged me inside. Lee flicked as switch as the door shut behind us and I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the gloom.

"Lee what is this?" I asked as my eyes focused on the numerous painting stuck to the walls.

"They're just gray to me," he said as I stepped forward to take a closer look. "Are they good?!"

The art was violent. Hard lines of yellow, green and brown, that merged together and separated. Figures emerged from the haze of colours, two boys - presumably him and his soulmate. It was his raw passion immortalised on paper.

"They're beautiful," I said feeling the well of tears. I turned to face him. "When did you do all this?"

"The last two years," he smiled sheepishly at me.

"It's wonderful Lee, really, I wish I could paint with such passion. "

"You can, you just need to find your passion," he said pulling me in for a hug. "You have more passion in you than you think. "

I pulled away from Lee and smiled awkwardly. "Lee, there's something I haven't told you..." I mumbled.

"Ssh, I just wanted to share this with you, you can go back to bed now," he squeezed my arm.

"But Lee..."

"Ellis, we can talk in the morning," he said before guiding me out of the shed and back to the house.

"Okay..." I murmured as he disappeared into his room.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out.

Unknown number: hey, it's Rory.

Blue (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now