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"I had fun talking to you today," Aurora said falling into step beside me.

I felt my cheeks warm up and I turned to look at Lee who was stifling a laugh. I nudged him slightly and he dropped back to walk just in front of Samuel.

"Yeah, it was nice," I murmured.

"We should do it again sometime," she blurted out. "If you feel like it that is?!"

I smiled, diving into my purse and pulling out a piece of paper.

"Get in touch when you want to hang out again," I said, handing it to her.

Our fingers brushed and I let mine linger as I looked back up at her to see the same blue as when I'd first seen her.

"Great," she slipped it into her pocket. "I guess I'll see you then?!"

"Sure, bye," I said waving as Samuel caught up to her and they disappeared down the road.

I turned back to Lee as he ran a hand through his hair. He was smirking at me.

"Well that's that," he made his way over holding out his arm for me to hold. "I guess we may never see those two again."

I took his arm and bit my lip, "I'm not too sure."

Blue (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now