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"Get up!" I yelled storming into Sammy's room.

"I said get up!" I repeated yanking the covers off of him and tearing the curtains open. "I will not let you stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself. You haven't earned it."

Sammy rolled onto his stomach burying his head under his pillow.

"If you don't get up, I swear I will break your headphones." That got him.

He shot up grabbing his headphones out of my hands and holding them close to his chest. "Alright you monster, I'm up now what?"

"Get your clothes and go wash," I instructed pointing to the bathroom down the hall.

He bent down to pick up two items of clothing and moved past me into the hall. I sighed, moving over to pick up the stack of socks he had around his bed and dumping them into his basket.


"Where are we going?" He moaned as I hurried him out of the house.

"We're going to see your friends," I said urging him to walk ahead.

He scoffed, "I don't have any friends left Rory."

I rolled my eyes.

"Enough with the bullshit and the self pity. You messed up with Lee by not even speaking to him and you're no stranger to being dumped so I don't blame you if you're not quite ready to get back on the horse. But at least see your friends."

"I don't have a choice do I?!" He shrugged and I shook my head.

"What are you gonna do whilst I hang out with my 'friends'? I know you don't like any of them."

I bit my lip thoughtfully. "I might see what Ellis is up to."

Sammy stopped walking and turned to face me. "Seriously are you not gonna let that go?! Mum tried to set us up with the opposing genders to which we are attracted to and you still want to go back to her?!"


"Well prepare to have you're heart broken little sis," he said continuing to walk. "Cause either that girl is straight as an arrow or she is so far back in the closet that she can see Narnia."

"Thanks for the relationship advice,  sour puss," I said.

Sammy just shook his head.

I left him at Leo's house. He promised to good care of him (in more ways than one if he was up for it) and that he wouldn't let Sammy leave until I returned to collect him.

"Hi Ellis," I practiced turning the phone over in my hands. "I was just thinking about you and... no, no, no, that sounds way to creepy. "

I huffed sitting down on a bench near the commons. My phone jittered in my hands and I turned it over to see Ellis flashed across the screen. My fingers fumbled as I picked up the call and held the phone to my ear.

"Hey Rory," Ellis began her voice sort of shaky. "I was wondering if you'd like to do something with me today."

"I'd love to," I said the words cascading out from my mouth.

Ellis laughed down the line, "I'm glad. I'll meet you on the west side of the commons if that's good for you?"

"Couldn't be better," I smirked glancing up at the sign above me.

"See you soon," she said before hanging up.

I squealed. Ellis had called me. That meant she had to be somewhat interested. Maybe Sammy's second theory was more spot on. She could just be very deeply closeted, but she definitely wasn't straight. If she was she'd have at least glanced at Sammy. But no, her eyes had been on me the whole time.

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