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"You don't have a problem with that right?" I asked testing the waters.

She shook her head quickly. "No, I just thought it was kinda weird... considering my brother's gay as well."

My eyes widened. This would be nice to rub in Sammy's face later. The so-called perfect son was gay. The irony made me laugh. Our parents had set up the double date wholly knowing that both boys were gay.... Or at least my parents knew Samuel was gay.

"Is he out?" I asked. My voice was hoarse and I cleared my throat.

"Very," she said sticking her spoon back into the small tub she had opted for. "Our mum just likes to pretend that he's not."

I forced a smile when she looked up. I could relate to him. Both me and Samuel could.

"Ellis?" I began.

This was it. I had to go for it or forever risk never getting the chance to speak my mind.

"Go on," she said smiling.

"I need to tell you something," I bit my lip.

"Let's go for a walk," she said this time talking my arm and pulling me up to stand next to her.

She patted my hand and smiled as she led my out of the little cafe.

We ended up back at the park, and Ellis guided me through one of the gardens, pointing to flowers and telling me their names.

"Daffodils are my favourite," she said, pulling me to stand by a patch of them. "They're just like small ball of sunshine... What about you? Do you have a favourite flower?"

She turned to look at me a flash of blue passing her eyes. Shit... the ground swayed beneath me, I needed to tell her....

"I'M GAY!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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