I Think I Love Him | A Reilly Smith Fanfiction

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As I wake up on an early Saturday morning before going to work, I get a text from someone I haven't spoken to in years- Reilly Smith. As I think to myself why he's texting me, I read it:

Reills: "Hey! I just got traded to the Bruins, so I'm heading up to Boston! Cya soon!"

I'm shaking by now. I get to see my best friend, but I also get to see him play hockey for my favorite NHL team, the Boston Bruins. This-is-crazy.

While I drive to work, I jam out to the Bruins' goal song on repeat because I'm obsessed with it. As I pull into the parking lot of the Garden, I see that the boys are just heading onto the ice. Believe it or not, I drive the zamboni before, during, and after most hockey games and figure skating shows here. Someone was able to clean the ice for me this morning, which I greatly appreciated. I witness the players coming out, saying their names in my head. "Big Z, Tuukka, Boych, Marchy, Dougie" and then someone I don't recognize comes out onto the ice- number 18- all I know is that 1) he's not Nathan Horton and 2) he's really cute! When they announce his name to see if it'll be correct for the sports announcers, time stops. The Garden seems to fall to a silence after I hear two simple words: Reilly Smith. I gasped after Claude recited his name. "Reilly Smith...He's my best friend." I say to myself. I don't think he knows I'm watching the practice or that I'm even here. Once I come out with the zamboni, just as he and Looch were leaving the ice after practice, I heard someone say something, so I looked in their direction. "Hi Jess!! Long time no see, eh?" is all I hear from Reilly, along with seeing his lips move. This all makes me realize how much I missed him, his voice, his personality, his presence in my life.

As I start to get off of the zamboni, I hear someone attempt to scare me (which doesn't work), so I turn around to see my best friend. We hugged for more than a minute, just saying 'I missed you so much' and 'Hi'. "Hey! I just got here this morning and I'm so tired right now." is all he says. I'm still in awe of how much I actually missed him, so I respond with a boring "Yeah, me too. Wanna come to my place to watch a movie and relax?" "Sure! Plus we need to catch up. Ever since I began to play for Dallas, you never contacted me, so I thought you were ignoring me." I already moved on by the time he finished talking and started looking up movies.



"Billy Madison?"


"The Blind Side?"


"Reills, just pick a movie already." I say, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Fine. How about Harry Potter?"

"Fantasy guy, eh? Maybe you have changed since I last saw you."

I personally don't like these types of stories, but I figured the hell with it, I'd watch it with him.

We smiled at each other a couple times throughout the movie, but both fell asleep before it was over. Seeing him sleep reminded me of the past- our past


"Let's go on the swings!" Reilly said while running. Always been a kid at heart, that one.

"Uh... Okay." I followed him.

As we were swinging, he suddenly stopped, so I stopped too. He looked me in the eyes and I did too, but I was just giggling. I was on the swings with the guy I liked. It was right at that unforgettable moment when our lips locked. It wasn't too long (short but sweet), but I pulled away. I mean yeah, I was kissing back, but we were like 14. It was at this moment when I realized that I think I love him. More than like. I knew it wasn't mutual, but I really thought he was the perfect guy. Brown hair and eyes, an amazing smile, and a smokin' bod. We were best friends till the end, but I thought of him as more.

"I love you." I whispered. Oh crap. Well, say goodbye to a perfectly good friendship.

"I love you too." He pulls in for another kiss, but can't stop smiling.

I was surprised. I didn't honestly think he liked me back.


Then again, I was 14 and didn't really understand what love was. I get it now. And the feeling hasn't changed. The minute I laid my eyes on him in that rink, I knew I loved him.

I just stared at him and smiled.

Oh boy, our future will get interesting, I can just feel it. But I wonder if things will ever be like they were in Mimico before I moved. Or will they be like after I moved to Boston; no talking, no visiting, and no acting like anything ever happened between us, even though in the back of my (and possibly Reilly's) head, the thought of 'us' still lingered.

*Reilly's POV*

I fell asleep on the couch and I had an amazing dream.

It was about our life, a long long time ago.

I can still remember how that girl made me smile. Made me laugh. Made me cry at times. When she left, I cried. I liked her- a lot. She was my best friend, but I thought she was amazing. Whenever we hung out, it was so... Relaxing. I could tell her anything and trust her. That was something I had to have in a friend- trust.

Anyways, the dream was from right before she moved away. It was on the swings. I didn't know if she had remotely any of the feelings I had for her. I took a shot and kissed her. To my surprise (and delight), she kissed back. What I loved the most is that she told me that she loved me. I said that I loved her back, because I did. I still love her. I saw her and got butterflies. If she didn't have to move, we would probably be closer now. But at least she remembers my name. That's always a plus. But the question is, did she ever forget it? Did she ever want me back?

We aren't supposed to know some things, but I know that right now, I'm in love with her and I'm gonna find out if the feeling's mutual like when we were 14. Can't time just go back?


Hey! Thanks for taking the time to read this! I know it's not very good, but it's my first time! Enjoy! I'll update as much as I can as long as the story's plot continues to be decently entertaining. The chapters get longer as I learn how wattpad works 😂 NOTE: This story was written while Smitty was still a Bruin, so it's based in Boston)


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