Chapter 15

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*1 month later*

*Jess's POV*

Today's the day. Wedding day.

We decided that instead of replanning everything from before, we'd just have it in my parents' backyard. It wasn't anything crazy, but all of our friends were there. I'm kinda nervous, but excited too.

"Relax. You'll be amazing!" Chelsea says as she takes the final curler out of my hair. She INSISTED on doing it and since this wasn't gonna be a big ceremony, I decided to let her do it.

"Well..... I don't wanna mess up and look like an idiot in front of Reilly."

"Just take a deep breath. It'll be okay when you're up in front of everyone, which is like 10 people, and staring into his eyes." Claire butts in.

"I'll try it." I say, but with a shaky voice. I'm not the type of person to be doing this. It freaks me out a bit. I'm doing it for Reilly though because I really truly do love him.

"People are starting to come!"'Ashley tells me before pulling away from the window.

Oh joy.

I walk down the stairs in my heels, with help from all the girls. I can't walk in these things. My dress was custom made and it was a silver dress with the 2011 Stanley Cup Champions logo in the corner. I love it.

I reach the door. To think that I'll be married soon is wild. I can't even imagine.

It's time.

*Reilly's POV*

"Calm down dude. I've never seen you so worked up." Brendan tells me.

"I....I can't. I just don't wanna be the one to ruin it for us."

"You won't. Even if you did, just laugh it off. It'll be okay." My best man Marchy says.

"Okay okay. How much more time until it starts?"

"Uh.... Just a couple minutes. Wanna call mom before it starts?" Brendan asks. Our mom couldn't make it because something happened with her flight. There's some sort of storm at the airport and a lot of flights were cancelled. She'll be here at the ceremony, which is in the same place, but it'd be so much better if she were here now.

As I take a deep breath, I start walking down the aisle of chairs. As I look around, I see that everyone was here that should be, which is great. I hope it goes how I planned. Please.

The porch door soon opened and there she was. She looked....perfect. Wow. I can't stop staring and smiling. When she sees me, she smiles back, which for some reason calms me down a bit. I still want this to be over soon because I'm nervous as ever, but I'm ready to marry her.

After the priest does his part, it's time for vows. Now THIS is what I'm scared about.

"Jessica, would you like to say anything to Reilly?" The priest asks her.

"I would love to."

"We met a while back. My dad was in Canada for business. When we had to move to Boston, I cried, because I liked you a lot, not only as a best friend, but a brother. When you got traded to Boston, I hoped that it would be the same, and it was. Except this time around, I got my wish. I got to be with you. If I could change one thing, it would be that I didn't throw the ring at you. I thought it was over. I honestly did. Even though on the outside I was mad, I knew that I still loved you. Thank you for everything. Making me laugh, smile, cry, but most of all, feel special. It's hard to explain what you did to me. The one word to describe it is amazing. I hope that we are together five-ever, because that's longer than forever. I love you so much." She started to cry during her vow, and trust me, a tear or two came from my eyes too.

"Thank you. Reilly, do you have anything to say to Jessica?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"I can only add on to what you said. I can tell you that I don't deserve you though. I really don't. You took me back after all I did to you. I was a jerk, and what you did made me realize how much I love you and that living without you was hard. You were truly my best friend. I told you everything, and you did the same to me. We shared tears, hugs, kisses, smiles, laughs, and even hospital rooms. It is hard to describe our relationship, you're right. That's why it's perfect. There are flaws, but all of the good things hide the bad. And the good primarily consists of our love. I love you. I can't say everything I feel because then we'd be here for hours, but I've loved you since day 1 and I hope that we'll last forever, because even a day wouldn't go by without me thinking about you. Thank you for letting me marry you. I'll treat you like a princess, my princess, forever." She smiles wide and hugs me. I don't think we were supposed to do that though.... Whoops.

After the 'I do's, I start to get nervous. I better not flip out during the most important part.

"You may now kiss the bride."

I pull her near me by the waist and once her lips touch mine, it get calm again. Something about her.

Once we finish, we have to do the worst part. Pictures.

"I hate this so much." Jess groans.

"Me too babe, me too" I reply through a smile.

Not too much later came the first dance. We started the slow dance on the grass. It was to Soldier by Gavin DeGraw. I really liked the song. But I'm really bad at dancing. She was obviously a dancer as a kid, because she did really well. I mean it wasn't too hard, but I'm just gonna stick to hockey.

Finally, we finish. As I sit down next to the beautiful Mrs. Smith, I just think about how lucky I am. Lucky enough to have her, the girl of my dreams. Now, we're officially married with a baby coming in about 8 months. A new chapter of my life has begun, and an even newer one will be coming soon. I'm ready for anything as long as Jess is there with me.


Thanks for 1.3K reads! I was so happy to see that! I was thinking of ending this fanfic at 20 chapters, but I don't know yet. It'll be a good ending, I promise. (:

~ Jess

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