Chapter 7

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I must've cried myself to sleep after his injury because the game had been over for an hour when I woke up. they reported on his injury on NESN, saying that he wouldn't be able to play for a little while. He got a concussion and broke his arm, according to the reporters.

'Hey babe.' I hear from the other side of the room.

'What the...? REILLY?!' My face lit up.

'Since my team knew that you were in the hospital too, they asked for me to be put in the same room as you. Ta-da.'

'Yay!' I run over to his bed and kiss him, even though the doctors told me to stay in bed so I don't somehow hurt my arm again.

'Well, now we're twins.... Hospitalized twins that are in love with each other.'

'At least they have a Starbucks downstairs....' I say, making us both burst out laughing. It's like our not-so inside joke.

As we start talking about what happened, the doctor came in to talk to Reilly.

I glanced over a couple of times at the doctor and Reilly, who looked concerned.

He signs a paper and the doctor leaves with a devious looking smile on his face.

'As I was saying- why did he do that to you?'

'He said it was because of..... because of.....'

'It's okay... You can tell me.'

'It was because of you....'

'What in the......?' I'm kinda scared.

'He said that he fell head over heels for me during a game at the Garden once, but never got to meet you. Once he saw that I was dating you, he wanted revenge. It makes no sense that you'd fall for a guy who would hurt your current boyfriend.... Right?!' he said anxiously.

'Reilly, I'm not in love with Brendan. I'm not dating Brendan Smith, I'm dating Reilly Smith, the perfect boyfriend that I could ever ask for.'

He blushes as his phone starts to ring.

'Lemme take this.' He says without looking at the caller ID.

'Reilly, I'm so sorry about today... How are ya holdin' up?'

'Uh... Fine. But you hurt me because of a GIRL?!'

'Sometimes, my anger causes me to do some pretty crazy stuff... We all have those moments.'

'Yeah, but you're my big brother. That's not what families are for. If you're gonna act as a role model for me and treat me with 'brotherly respect', then maybe I can forgive you, but not right now.'


'Brendan, you tried to hurt me. Just think about it if you were in my shoes. It'd be bad, wouldn't it?'

'I'm sorry....'

'Bye Brendan.'

*hangs up*

'Hey. I have to ask you something. It's important.'

'Okay Reills, I'm coming.'

He pulls out a red velvet box from his pocket.

'Jess, I love you so much and I hope that you love me as much as I love you. To me, our love is infinite, just like a metal ring. It'll always be a circle, despite how many times our issues distort it. The ring I was talking about is in this box. It shows my love for you, and how I want it to continue for the rest of our lives. You and me. Forever. So, will you marry me?' He says as he slowly opens the box, his hands shaking.

'Of course I will.' I say with tears streaming down my face as he stands up to hug me.

'Uh.... Did you see all of that?' He asks.

'Continue! It's adorable!' I hear from a couple of people from the door. The doctors saw my wedding proposal? Aw man.....

He sits on his bed and I sit next to him with my arms around his neck.

'The hospitalized twins are getting married.' He says with a smile as he looks deep into my sea blue eyes.

I'm mesmerized by his stare, so I just sit there for a couple of seconds, taking it all in.

'Sorry... I'm just processing everything that just happened.'

'It's fine.' He says while still looking into my eyes, but now he's running his fingers through my hair too

His phone starts ringing again, but I steal it away from him before he could answer.

It's an unknown number, so I answer it, hoping that it's not important.

'Hello?' I say while laughing because Reilly's sitting there shaking his head at me and laughing.

'Uh.... It's for you Reilly...' I say as I give him the phone.

'Hello?' He says before his face turns down.

'He's.... he's dead?!'

He starts to cry, but all I do is sit there and stare out the window with tears building up in my eyes.

'Okay. Thank you.' He says very softly.

We've been speechless for about 5 minutes before I ask what's wrong.

'My dad just died.'


I know there's a LOT is in this chapter.... Sorry... But, as always, thanks for reading!

~ Jess

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