Chapter 8

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The last time I saw his dad, he seemed okay. Reilly did tell me that he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer, but never had the opportunity to go back to Canada to visit him because of his NHL career.

'Wait.... Was it from the brain cancer?'

'Yeah... But he said to tell me that I love you and that he wish he saw me one last time before he died.'

I was somewhat close to his dad. Our dad's used to be best friends when I lived in Canada for about a year and a half, which is where we met. He taught me about hockey and started my passion for the sport. Losing him is like losing a big brother; He was the first person I'd tell my problems to. He knew how to make me happy, and did so 99% of the time.

'Just take a deep breath. I know how hard it is to lose a family member. I lost my mom when I was 12.' I remind him. We mourned together when she died, and I assume that we'll do the same thing for him.

'Look Reills,'

He looks up at me with red and puffy eyes from crying.

'If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here with you every step of the way. You can tell me anything you want. I AM your girlfriend.' He chuckles.

'It's just.....just the fact that I didn't get to see him even a year before he died..... It's.... Painful to think about.'

We begin to reach out into a hug, but I get a pain in my arm from the break. Sorry, doc.

All I hear before I wake up is crying. Loud crying.

'Reills are you o......' I say before realizing that he was on the phone.

'But I need to come back home.'

'Mom, I'm hurt so I pretty much have time off until I'm cleared to play.'

'I'll bring her if she wants to and if she can.' He pulls away from the phone.

'Hey Jess, wanna go back to Canada with me in about a week?'

'Sure!!' I say in excitement. I've always loved it there.

'So Jess and I will see you guys in a week! Bye mom.'

He starts sobbing the minute he gets off the phone.

'Are you okay Reilly? I've never seen you cry in your entire life as much as I just saw you cry.

'Well, we were always close and then we got in a fight before I left to pursue my career and I haven't seen him since that fight. He forgave me, but it still bothers me that it was over something so dumb.'


'I wanted them to move to Boston so we could be together.'

'Aw dang... I always have to mess everything up....' I say before he laughs.

'You didn't mess anything up. You're too perfect to do that.'

'Aw.. Reills... But it really was my fault.'

'No it wasn't. It was mine. Don't worry about it. The opportunity to act upon it is gone. Now it's just me and you stuck in this hospital room for probably another 4 hours.'

'Excuse me Mr. Smith, but your friend is being released from the hospital right now. We'll send you back home in a couple of hours, okay?'

'She's my fiancé, but okay. Thank you.'

'Bye Reills, I love you. Cya later!'

'Bye.' he manages to get out before I quickly kiss him and leave the room with nothing but my phone and a black and yellow cast with his name written on it in sharpie.

As I reach my car, I see a text from Reilly:

'Claude said I'll be off the ice until playoffs if we make it.'


Hey! So I'm thinking that I'm gonna have maybe 20 chapters in the book...? Anyways, thanks for reading! I actually wrote this in traffic on my way to the Bruins game.. Haha (:


I Think I Love Him | A Reilly Smith Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें