Chapter 16

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*Jess's POV*

Reilly still hasn't told me where our honeymoon is. All I know is that it's going to be short because of playoffs. I'm excited to find out though. He packed my bags for the trip too... He's really good at keeping this a secret.

As we walk into the airport, I look around to see if there's a sign as to if it's a domestic flight or if we're flying internationally. He occasionally looks at me and smiles as we approach our gate.

"Flight 104 to Hawaii now boarding." I hear from the flight attendant.

"We're going to Hawaii?!?!" I'm really excited, not that anyone could notice.

"Yeah. You said you've never been there, right?"

"Mhm. This is gonna be great. Thank you soo much!" I give him a quick hug before we board.

"Hawaii bound. I like it." I say to myself.

"Welcome to Hawaii, the Aloha state!" the pilot announces through the microphone. I grab Reilly's hand after I hear this because I know that this is the start of something amazing. He looks down at me. "Welcome to Hawaii, my love."

As we leave the airport after what seems to be the longest flight ever, I pull my raybans down and feel the sun on my skin. It's really hot compared to Boston, but I'll survive.

"Let's have a blast."

"Definitely." he replies.

*Reilly's POV*

We finally reach the room after what seems like forever. We decided to sleep for a bit before doing whatever.


I look over at a pile of brochures and maps of the area, Jess next to them, writing something down.

"Uh hey." I say while scanning the brochures. Maybe something will look interesting.

"Oh. Hi! I was just looking to see what's in the area. There's a nice restaurant on the beach that looks neat."

"Well, we're going wherever you want. It's all about you."

"Wanna go there tonight?"

"Sure." I say before kissing her and leaving to change into something nicer.

"Woah." She's wearing a white dress and has her hair in beach waves. Casual, but still perfect.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"I spent like a whole FIVE minutes on planning this outfit! Ugh! Soooo rude!" I try to imitate a girly voice, but fail. Well, I did make her laugh, which is good, right?

"Ready to go?"

"Whenever you are!"

We get into the rental car and drive over to the restaurant. Oahu is beautiful, just like the vacation planner said. Thank god for her.

"It's so pretty here! How'd you hear about it?"

"Through friends." I smile at the fact that my planning finally worked. 99% of the time, it all goes haywire.... I'm proud, especially since it was all for her.

"Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell you," I pull into the restaurant and stop the car. "I have a baby bump." She says.

I reach down to her stomach and whisper to our baby. "Hey buddy, it's your daddy. I love you so much and I hope you come soon! I really want to meet you." I kiss her stomach before getting out of the car to get to the restaurant.


"Hi! I'm Jon and I'll be your waiter this evening." He seems to be checking Jess out and eventually whispers something to her. Oh great.

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