Chapter 12

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I woke up in Reilly's arms, and he just woke up too.

'Morning beautiful.' He says in his raspy morning voice. Oh god is it perfect.

'Good morning!' I say before attempting to get up from his arms, but he pulls me back down and begins to whisper in my ear.

'Guess what?'

'What's up?'

'I can start practicing today.' He says before looking at me, awaiting a response.

'Get out! That's amazing!' I pull him into a hug. He hugs back, but pulls away quickly because he realizes that practice starts in 2 hours.

'You comin?' He yells from our room.

'Uh, sure.' I grab my cup of coffee and run to my room to put on my Smith jersey and yogas. I haven't been to practice for a while, so it should be fun.

As we enter the car, I realize something.

'We don't really know each other.' I blurt out.


'Well, I mean ever since we moved away, we barely kept in touch. I mean other than the basics, I don't really know about you.'

'Well okay, let's ask each other questions just for the fun of it, to see if you're right.'

'K. I'll ask first. Where did I go to college?' I don't think he knows this.

'Hm.... Michigan State..?'


He thinks a bit before he yells out 'BOSTON COLLEGE!'

'Yep! How'd you know? Oh well. Your turn!'

'Did I ever encounter any of your friends, other than if they were with you?'

'Uh... I have like 2, but didn't you go to the University of Miami w/ Claire?'

'Yea... We actually dated for a bit too..... I always went to her swim meets. Then she met Ryan, the Olympic swimmer, and cheated on me.....'

'Harsh.... Okay... What sport did I play during high school?'


'No, but it was a winter sport.' I say with a growing smile.

'You did? You played hockey?' He was shocked.

'Yeah.... I was right wing actually.'

'I guess we don't know each other well enough.' He replies, knowing that I was right.

'Well we're here.' I say as he takes the keys out of the car.

'Yeah... See ya later!' He says before walking away with his bag of gear.

I sit in the stands silent as they continually run drills. I'm thinking about something almost every couple thinks about. Kids. I wanna ask Reilly, but I don't wanna piss him off or anything. It'll come up soon. The wedding's in 2 weeks anyways. One of the few days without a game or practice. Everything's situated, except I don't know where the honeymoon is. Reills said it was a surprise. I've always wanted to go somewhere like Hawaii or the Florida Keys, but honestly, any time with Reilly is well-spent time. I'm gonna save it until after, but I wanna know his answer. I personally am okay either way. I mean like 1 or 2 kids. I'm NOT having a reality show about how many kids I have, like Jon and Kate Plus 8 or something.... Time goes by fast, because before I know it, the final whistle blows.

'Hey.' Reilly says as he exits the locker room.


'Let's leave.'

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