Chapter 19

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*Jess's POV*

Today was Reilly's day with the cup, which he decided to bring to Mimico. We took the trip alone, because we weren't sure if Colby could brace the trip to another country, so Torey and Mel Krug are watching him back in Boston.

Everyone from his family was there, it was a pretty exciting moment in Rei's life. Even though Brendan's team was beat to get the cup, he was excited for his little bro.

"Hey!" Reilly says as he walks into his family's house.

"Reilly! Hi! Come here!" His mom hugs him while he stands there with a beaming red face as his brothers laugh under their breath.

"Well, hey Jess." Brendan and Rory both say. I'm surprised that Brendan's not as crazy as he was when jealousy overruled his actions awhile back. Maybe he put the past in the past and tried to move on... who knows.

"Heyo!" I reply, as if I forgot about it too. Deep in the back of my mind will live that memory. I mean, it could've been worse, but it definitely could've been better.

"How's it feel being a Stanley Cup Champions' wife?" Rory smirks.

"Shut up!" I giggle.

I go to put my stuff down in the other room when I hear someone running behind me.

"Here, I got 'em."

"You sure Brendan?"

"Yeah. No problem. But I do actual have to talk to you."

I knew there was a catch.

"Okay, go on."

"I still can't forget how nasty I was to you those 2 times. I'm sorry for being an ass. I mean, I should've been supportive of my little bro, but I was just an ass towards both of you. I can't even explain what I did, because I don't know why I did it. I'm so so sorry."

"Dude, it's fine. No need to be worried. Bruises heal eventually."

"We cool?"

"Yeah." I reach in and hug him, just to make everything a bit calmer.

"Thanks." He says as we break out of the hug.


A couple hours later, Reilly said he had to bring me somewhere special.

"I've gotta bring you somewhere. Grab some skates." Reilly says as he points to the corner of the room, which had pretty much a pair of skates in every size.

"Woah." That's sick.


"Wait here while I get transportation." He quickly comes back in an ATV.

"Where'd you get this?!"

"Don't worry about it. Just watch where we're going." He begins to drive as he drives a car, smooth but fast, and I was honestly freakin' out about this, but it's easier than I thought.

A couple minutes later, we arrive at a blue building with a 'No Trespassing' sign on the door.

"Is this even legal?" What? I'm curious.

"Of course it is!" He unlocks the door to an ice rink. It looks fairly new, but nobody's in it.

"Wait- why couldn't people trespass into the rink?"

"Welcome to the Smith- Owned and Built- Ice Arena!" He cuts me off.

"Ah. That makes sense." I whisper to myself.

"Oh my- how did you build this?!"

"2 NHL and 1 NLL salary in the family. Wasn't too bad."

I put my skates on and as I begin to lap around the ice, Reilly quickly catches up and snowplows me.

"Hey!" Now I'm kinda soaked.

"Oh calm down. Just a little ice."

I try to wipe it off a bit but BAM there he comes again.

"Oh that's it." I try to skate to him, but he's too fast.

"Haha you can't catch me." He teases.

I realized that I could cut across the ice, so I did and caught him. I grabbed his arm before falling to the ice, bringing him along with me.

"That was fun but-" Reilly kisses me before I could finish the sentence.

"Sorry, go on."

"Oh whatever, I love you." I say as

We begin to kiss again.

Here we are, Reilly and I, sitting on the ice at a rink, kissing.

*Reilly's POV*

"That was amazing." I say before turning the ATV on and driving home.

"It really was." she replies.

We hang the skates back up and head to the bedroom to change up. I'm just changing into something fancy, but not too fancy, because we're just hoisting the cup in front of Mimico Town Hall. It'll be fun seeing everybody I grew up with seeing me with one of my life aspirations completed.

"Hello everyone, and please give a warm welcome to Mimico's own Stanley Cup Champion, Reilly Smith, and his wife, Jessica Smith."

Everyone claps and Jess and I sit down before the mayor begins speaking again.

"As you may already know, Reilly was a born and raised Mimico resident, where he and his brothers always played hockey. Apparantly something here worked, because all 3 brothers are professional athletes now, 2 being NHL hockey players." The crowd laughs and claps.

"He left Mimico when he went to Miami (OH) University, where he also played hockey. He was soon draftee by the Dallas Stars, whose organization he played for for 2 seasons, including for the Texas Stars." Wow. Just thinking about Texas brings back a lot of crazy memories. It was a blast down there- but I wouldn't have married Jess if I was still down there, so I'm not really missing it too much.

"In July 2013, he was traded to the Boston Bruins in exchange for Brampton-native Tyler Seguin. he succeeded on these teams, and fit in well up in Boston, which is where his story just begins to get good, as he won the Stanley Cup and the 7th Player Award. Hey, you mind coming to the Leafs, maybe bring them some cup magic?" Most people laugh, as long as they're Leafs fans.

"Someday." I reply with a smile.

"Would you like to say a few words about your experience?" He asks me.


"Hello everybody. As you all heard, I just recently won the Stanley Cup Championship." I point to the cup as everyone claps.

"And with this comes many lessons learned. The most important being to never stop chasing your dreams. Even though we can't imagine some things, they can eventually come true. I never even pictured myself holding the cup. Maybe in a public event, but never holding it as a champion. When we won, it was a whiplash for me. I thought that maybe I was having a crazy dream, but it turns out I wasn't. It was actually happening. It can happen to anybody here. Yes, I'm just a boy- well, man- from a small town in Canada, but does that stop me from doing what I want to do? This entire experience has taught me that anything dreamable is reachable. Thank you." Everyone claps as I kiss the cup for one last time. Jess immediately comes behind me on her tip-toes and kisses me on the cheek. That may have been the last time in my life that I have a day with the cup; who knows, but I won't forget spending it with my hometown, friends, and family


Hey guys! Next chapter is my last of this book. If anyone has any ideas at all on how it should end, PLEASE message me or comment! As always, thanks for reading!

~ Jess

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