Chapter 18

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*Jess's POV*

I wake up to the sound of crying after sleeping for what seems like forever. I got out of the hospital about a week ago, which I was very happy about. Reilly got back to the team today to pick the duck boats they were going on. Hopefully I'm with Mel. We can discuss baby drama, even though she doesn't have one of her own yet.

I go in to care for Colby. He's precious. He looks just like his father, even though he denies it.

"There, there little one." I whisper in between shushes. "It's okay. Mommy's here."

He eventually stops crying because of his binkie. Oh how I love binkies.

I sit down to play with him when I hear the door open.

"Hey babe." Reilly says before shutting the door behind him.

"In here." I reply.

As he walks in, all I can think about is the parade. The second in a long time. I'm psyched.

"Cool. They're separated by lines, so me and you, Bergy and Steph, Marchy and his guest, whoever she may be, and we also have Kruger and Melanie."

"Yay!" Good, I'm with Mel.

"And also," he clears his voice.


"I.... May be on the trading block..."

"Wait, how? You're the 7th Player, one of the leading goal-scorers, why you?"

"I dunno but I could be moving to another team. Just be prepared. Sorry."

I stand up and leave the room quietly while in deep thought. What if he gets traded to, say Chicago or Vancouver? Like I don't wanna live there. I love Boston and everything about it. He can't be traded, he just can't. I don't know what would happen if he did.

*Fast forward to the parade*

As we load on to the pink duck boat, the guys complaining of it's girly color, and Mel and I talking about Colby, I see the sea of people crowding the streets. A lot would be an understatement.

"You ready for probably one of the craziest times of your life?"

"So ready." I look back at him.

The boat inches forwards as the crowd cheers, chants, screams, and a lot more. It's crazy, but it's amazing. They're not even cheering for me, but it's still a once in a lifetime experience. I wonder what Reilly's thinking. His first Stanley Cup, on a boat with the Selke winner, Bergy, which was just announced this morning. I have no idea why though.

Surprisingly, Colby was doing well despite the loud noises and everything that babies cry about. but it's Rei's time to shine, not mine.

*Reilly's POV*

1 word for all of that: woah.

We get off the boats after the parade, and I'm in a whiplash. So.many.people. Well, I guess the Bruins have a LOT of fans. I knew they were really popular and there were a lot of people, but I didn't expect that kind of a show up to this. I hope that I can relive that moment, maybe with this team, maybe not. I love Boston and I hope I don't get traded. Life's pretty sweet, and moving will just make it harder. At least I hope I get traded to an Original Six team, that'd be neato. Whatever. Enjoy the present, right?

*2 weeks later*

"Babe!" I hear Jess scream.


"Come here."


I look at the TV and my stomach drops as I read the headline:

'Boston Bruins' Reilly Smith part of a deal with the Buffalo Sabres'

"Gonna go throw up.... Be right back." I joke.

"Come back in blue and yellow."


*phone rings*

"Uh... Hello?"

'Hi. It's Peter Chiarelli. I'm assuming that you've heard about the trade with the Sabres, correct?'


'So, you fly out to spec out the area and all that in 2 weeks, and you choose when you move from there.'

"Okay, thank you."

'Thank you for being a part of our organization."

'It was a great experience.'

"We're glad to hear that. Goodbye now."

I hang the phone up before practically screaming. Buffalo of all places? I just.... Don't wanna go to Buffalo from Boston. I assumed that maybe it was a mistake

"Hey Jess?"


"Pack your bags for a trip in 2 weeks."

"Great. I'm thrilled."

I can just sense the excitement in her voice. Trust me, I'm not too excited either. But, I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean, the Sabres aren't that bad of an organization. They're still an NHL team, and I'm still an NHL player, so what's the difference? Everything. Everything's the difference. I wanna be back with Bergy and Marchy on the second line. I want the Garden to be my home. I don't wanna move to New York. Too much has gone on here to just leave it all behind. I can't. I just can't.

*phone rings again*

"Hello?" It's probably not Peter Chiarelli, or maybe it is, I don't know.

"Hello. This is Peter Chiarelli again. I'd like to apologize about the previous call. We accidentally put your name in as the one traded, but it was actually Jordan Caron who was part of the trade. I deeply apologize for that."

"It's okay. We aren't perfect." I laugh into the phone.

"Yes. Now we have to go tell Jordan that he got traded. But thank you for understanding"

"Thank you for informing me." He hangs up as I throw my fist in the air.

No more traveling to Buffalo.

"Hey hon?"


"It was Peter Chiarelli."

"Oh great what does he want."

"Everyone reported the trade wrong. We're staying in Boston."

"Yes." She hugs me.

She whispers in my ear, "I didn't even wanna go there in the first place."

"Me neither. But now we can stay here for at least another year."

"Good." I pull her close to me by her shoulders and kiss her. I'm so happy. In Buffalo lies a memory I haven't told anybody about ever. It still traumatizes me to this day. Just thinking about it makes me sick. But at least we're not going there, so it's okay.

Staying where a lot of those memories you'll never forget happened is one of those things you never want to move away from. Well, for me it is.


Hey! I just got out of school yesterday (graduating today (: ) and finished exams, so I'll be updating decently frequently. Only 2 chapters left in this book! As always, thanks for reading!

~ Jess

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