Chapter 11

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I wake up with a black eye. Great...

"You okay?" Reilly says, checking it out and seeing if it's okay.

"What the hell was he thinking?" I blurt out.

"Remember how he wanted to date you? And he 'apologized'? Yeah. It's about that. He wanted to be with you, and was pissed when he found out that we were going to get married. I really hope that you're not hurt too badly. This has to stop."

"I know." I say, a tear running down my face.

He pulls me into his arms, careful not to touch my face as he pulls my hair away from my bad eye. I'm happy that he's here to help me because if he wasn't, I don't know what I'd do.

"It's okay. It'll hurt for a week or two, but it'll be better."

"Get Brendan down here. I wanna give him a piece of my mind."

"Trust me, I feel the same way, but he left. Probably because he realized how much of an idiot he was for doing that."

"Ugh. He's not coming to the wedding, right?"

"It's your choice. He can come if you..."

"NO! I'd rather not get hurt physically or emotionally, nor do I wanna see you get hurt either." I say, interrupting Reilly.

"He is my brother, but I getcha...."

"Anyways, wanna get that checked out? There's a doctor that I used to always go to when I got hurt in Peewee and Bantam games." Reilly suggests.

"Er... sure."

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith?" I hear the nurse say, even thought there's only a few other people in here.

"Reilly," I say before elbowing him. "we aren't married yet."

"I know. We just need to get used to it though." he says with a smirk.

I got prescribed a medication to ease the swelling and pain and to speed up the healing.

"Not too bad, was it?" Reilly says before entering the car.

"Eh... not a big fan, but oh well."

"Did you recognize the doctor's last name?"

"Marchand? Yeah.... Brad. Why?"

"He's his brother. It's a family business."


"Well, speak of the devil. Hey Brad!" he says as he rolls down his window.

"Hey Smitty! Sup Jess?"

"Nothin much! Why are you here?" I say, failing to be cool.

"Just visiting." he says with a laugh.

"Oh cool. I have to go! Cya soon Marchy!"



"What?" Reilly says.

"I was supposed to call the church today for the wedding."

"I'll call them for you. You should relax and feel better."

"I'll write out the guest list while you do that."


I wrote the list and included almost everyone except for Brendan and my dad: two of the most abusive people I've encountered in my life so far. Brendan's not nearly as bad as my dad is though. I've never told Reilly about it, but I think I will now.

"Hey Reilly?"


"Can I talk to you?"

"We're not breaking up right?" He says jokingly, but eventually becomes more serious.

"No... just... it's kinda... about my dad. I was thinking about who to invite, and I don't wanna invite him."

"Your dad?"

"Yeah... you know how I would sometimes come in with bruises on my arms and neck when we were in school?"

"Yeah...." he says in a more and more concerned-sounding voice.

"Well.... he had a...... problem.... I never told you this, but I had the biggest crush on you. But I told my mom and he found out, so he punched me. It's been everywhere. The face, neck, arms, stomach, legs. And everytime made me more insecure. So 1) I never told you and 2) I just wanted to die. When I got punched by your brother, it honestly reminded me of that. I just don't want it to happen again."

"I promise that I'll do anything to protect you from that happening again." He says before I tuck my head into his chest.

I look up at him looking down at me, "You promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."


Hey! It's long haha but I decided to start the wedding planning this chapter. Thanks for reading! I saw that this had over 300 views! Thanks for the support!! <3

~ Jess

I Think I Love Him | A Reilly Smith FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin