I am so not ready!!

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"Remind me..." I sigh. "Why are we here inside the mini theater again?"

Classes have ended and Yamamoto-kun suddenly came out of nowhere to whisk me here in the dimly-lit mini-theater in the school. Seriously, instead of idly watching the performances, we should be completing our plans for tomorrow. I also haven't bought a dress yet. I guess I should just borrow a dress of Haru's. Sigh, I have to spend an extra hour to go there and return home.

Exams have ended anyway. Which reminds me... I've forgotten to compare answers with Tsuna-kun!

"You didn't answer my question yesterday, Kyoko-san," Yamamoto-kun smiled at me.

I freeze. H-he has to remind me something so trivial. Gosh, so what?

"W-what's the point man? I've already moved on days ago," I rolled my eyes, but my words taste sour. "So... you want me to meet up with them after their final practice? That's why we're here?"

"Yup. Before Gokudera leaves, I want us to still be close. We won't be seeing him for awhile remember?"

"Nor will I see you guys anyway," I force a smile. "So what's the point? It's not like-"

"Haru was right. You guys are kinda bitter with each other," Yamamoto-kun laughs.

"So? It's not like it will be easy to just be friends with the guy who rejected you so easily." My gawd, it's you guys who aren't moving on with what happened last Saturday! It pisses me off that my friends are more affected than I am, for crying out loud!

"I already told you the reason why he did that."

"Y-yeah b-but-" I got tongue-tied and kept mum instead.

Yamamoto-kun grins smugly when I just looked on at the stage. Two people were coming out.

"It's a good thing they didn't light the whole place. Otherwise we wouldn't get a good view."


Miura, make sure we don't make fools of ourselves in our final practice. It's not a good thing when we've got people to handle the lights and special effects for us to screw up now.

"Gokudera-kun, I never realized that the amphitheater would be this huge..."

Good. She's making my inner monologue make sense.

I whack her. "This isn't the time to let stage fright get the better of you! And we're not even performing here for the promenade, remember?"

"Well dammit you just made me feel much worse," she mumbles as she scans her parts in the half-torn paper she made a few days before. It was now torn and rolled up for reasons unknown (I never touch her stuff. The book doesn't count!). Now she's burying her face in the paper.

"This. Is. Definitely NOT the time to back out now. Look, I have to make you face the music, but there will be people when we perform. You have no fucking right to have stage fright because this was your idea in the first place! If you fucking make this a fiasco-"

"Sh-shut up! I'm not crying, moron! I'm just memorizing my guitar parts. Remember Haru..." and now she's also talking to herself. I ignore her and look at the empty seats of the amphitheater, all appearing like miserable ghosts in the glare of the lights. I won't be hearing their voices when I perform now but later...

I don't want to disappoint Kyoko-san or my class. I promised Chrome that I'll do my final duty to this class and her.

As a right-hand man I'll definitely make them proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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