Who are you really?

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The two of us together can definitely get back the smile we forgot

And be strong again

Please look at me,

I'm here, waiting for you

Even if I'm lost alone blown upon the wind.

I'm here, waiting for you

Gazing up at the sky

I'm sure my heart is opening its hands to protect you

So that the you back then will turn and look at me

No need… to cry.

-Olivia Lufkin 'A Little Pain'


There are two choices I'm supposed to take inside the four walls of my classroom here in Namimori High- the first choice is LAUGH. The second one is LAUGH HARDER.

To be safe, I jump to choice #1...

...on the first appearance of Haru, or what I think is Haru. She wears the same winter uniform. She still has her brown and alert eyes, complete with lashes and a thickly-glossed pucker. Her mouth is curled up in a frown, usual when she's in a sour mood.

Her hair, however isdifferent. Umm, do you know those short guy hairstyles? Well, her last long hair is now severely lopped off, with her sporting a short-short boyish 'do.

This is the outcome of her deal with Gokudera-kun. Both of them had to do what their deal planned them to do. I found out from Yamamoto-kun earlier that they 'did it' just last Saturday.

Haru spots me and now runs to my direction. I notice a bald patch from her hair as she dashes onto me and then burst into tears all the while mumbling things regarding octopuses and fail haircuts.

Sigh, another typical Monday, except for the absence of Sawada-san. Onii-chan had already told me about him out for training in the Amateur West-East Japan Tournament this week, but I can't help wondering why he's not in his original seat. The girls are now pacing it like a well-guarded throne as they whisper and point at me. Guess the scene I did last Saturday in my escape and the confrontation between me and Sawada-kun is still fresh in their minds. I ignore them though. This isn't the time for me to mind them.

Because Gokudera-kun finally does his grand entrance- with a new shiny 'do. I mean really shiny.

Sanmyaku, no hair!

All began rolling in the floor thanks to his bald head. And now, everyone can't help but take choice #2- that includes myself. All that's left of his hair was a sheen of a clumsy stubble on the left side. This time, he sees us, and marches to our table, in time because Haru had stopped crying and is now ready for another verbal round with him.

"You!" He screams as he attempts to spray Haru with spit. "You said that shaving wasn't allowed!"

"You started it first! Why the hell did you turn my gorgeous locks into this ugly mop? You know that it takes a long time before my hair grows back!"

"Like you're the one to talk!" seethes Gokudera-kun, pointing at his head using his ring finger to be safe. "At least I did a neat job and didn't shave off that filthy hair of yours!"

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