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'Super Bass'


I never expected that there will be a quiz in Math.

I mean the teacher would often warn us about the quiz a day before.

And just after that- that- that- (ugh, I can't even call him names) distracts me enough to just stare at him once he's not looking. Even if I try looking away, my eyes seem to be moving on their own.

Oh gawd, something is definitely wrong with me.

And then sensei has to ruin it all by telling us there's a quiz- in the new chapter.

I know- I should've reviewed this already. I usually review but brainstorming for the defeat of Sawada Tsunayoshi kinda took more than half of my study time.

Well what I've sown will I know reap. And to be honest, what I'm going to reap is bad enough to tarnish my grades.

So the teacher gave us our test papers and I avoided seeing him as much as possible.

But I couldn't concentrate- his face- that incident two days ago and the incident before that keeps popping in my mind. The problems in the papers though seem a little familiar enough, but I couldn't answer most of them.

Guess who had the highest grade?

It wasn't Tsuna-san.

It was Haru AND Gokudera-kun.

Umm… twist of fate much?

Tsuna-san was higher than me by one point- as usual. But both our grades barely made it to passing.

And he was really okay with that!

Darn, I don't get him. He had sullied his good marks in this one incident and I swore to hearing this when Gokudera-kun talked to him:

Gokudera-kun: Tenth! What happened to you? You- your grades are lower than mine!

Tsuna-san: Hn? Ah, congratulations Gokudera-kun.

Gokudera-kun: I'm truly sorry Tenth!

Tsuna-san: It's nobody's fault. You may go now. I'll do better next time.

*Abrupt end of conversation*

Before Gokudera-kun could respond, Haru comes slamming into the picture.

"You freakin copied my test answers didn't you? Yes you did!"

"You just answered your idiotic question, stupid hag!"

"Shinee Baldie is now a copycat!" Haru didn't seem to be listening to him at all.

"God, shut up! Don't call me a baldie you stupid tomboy!"

Haru gasps. "You dare call me a tomboy? Die!"

"But Haru-chan," I try butting in. "You are like, beside me in the seating arrangement. Gokudera-kun's in front of me. There's no way he could copy you then."

"Eh but Kyoko-chan-" Haru wails.

"Anyway, shouldn't we be worrying about what that baseball moron said earlier?" Gokudera-kun cuts in. "We should see what groups we're in."

"Eh, good idea," I try steering the argument clear out of the way. Gokudera is pretty smart enough to let us think ahead for tomorrow.

Haru folds her arms and races ahead of Gokudera-kun out of the classroom to check out the class bulletin.

"You alright, Kyoko-san?" Tsuna-san catches up with me as I open the door.

"I'm okay getting stomped on with my marks. Why? You don't like your grade?" I scoff when we step outside.

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