No Forgiveness Necessary

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Sorry. I don't have a song for this.

Two Days Later.

"Hey, have you heard? Sasagawa was seen with Sawada-sama yesterday."

"Huzzah? No wayz. You're not kidding?"

"Yeah. Yumi-chan saw her with Sawada coming out of the same room!"


"They, like- stayed there for thirty minutes. Even Aki-chan wondered what the hell happened between them."

"D-don't say such things Hisa-san! Sawada-sama will forever be pure! I mean- he breaks girls hearts daily."

"Don't you think it's because they already had something with Sasagawa?"

"Quiet! Sasagawa's coming this way."

Sigh. These people are so dense. I pass them, eyes closed and chin up. No way is there anything gonna happen between me and him. We're rivals anyway.

"Damn slut. She has nerves coming this way."

I eye the foul mouth beadily. She recoils and runs along with the other fangirls. She must be the one who lured me to that stupid basement. Sheesh, she has some nerve to say things like that. Who the hell does she think she is?

"Yo, Kyoko-san!"

"Shut up, baldie! I was supposed to be the one to greet her first!"

"Noisy hag…"

"Whatev. Loozah!"

I smile at the sight of the two bickering. This is the scene that I want to nail in my heart forever. Seeing two destined lovebirds makes me soar.

"Hi, Sasagawa-san."

"Morning, Yamamoto-kun."

Oh geez, Yamamoto-kun surely knows when to come into the picture. Haru immediately beams and immediately stops quarreling with Gokudera-kun, who walks away while muttering profanities unsuitable for the human ear to take in.

"Yamamoto-san, you wanna see the super-ultra-special-rare baseball card I got from the antique shop you suggested yesterday?"

"Sure. What card is it?"

And on and on they go about the stupid card. Sawada then comes walking in the hallway.

"Tsuna-san! Good morning!"

"Morning Tenth!"

"Hey Tsuna."

The girls then become quiet and do some stupid army move, with whatever they're carrying and assemble forward, bodies beside one another as he passes them all.

"Morning," he greets simply, one shoulder armed with his bag and his empty hand hidden within his pocket. He looks so cool and sparkly that it pisses me off!

He stops as he's opposite me, eyes full with the sight of Haru and Yamamoto-kun talking extensively about good ol' baseball.

He smirks- at me.

"Looks like this will be an easy win, right Kyoko-san?"

I know that he's really smirking at me! He really is! I mean it!

"Just because you won yesterday and the day before that-"

"All by KO, don't forget Kyoko-san!" Gokudera-kun suddenly buts in as he grins ear to ear beside Tsuna-san.

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