Indecisive much?

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(That's what they get when they let their hearts win.)


It took us about two whole hours of teeth-chattering and bike-pushing before we reached the end of the 'Snow' path. The strapped rockets couldn't stand the extreme cold (pun not intended) so Gokudera-kun and I had no other choice but to march through the blizzard. Most of Gokudera-kun's lights had already gone out, and I could swear I heard him making small noises the more we struggled through the snowstorm.

Add to that, we were going against the direction of the snow.

I didn't want to speak, since my mouth is already almost frozen blue from the snow that keeps assailing us, so I just patted his shoulder as we continued.

Oh my gawd, I feel like such a manipulative bitch right now. I must be playing with Gokudera-kun's feelings. But- well, if he still thinks that we're friends, I guess it's okay to do this. There's really no harm in being close to him and all that!

Sigh, I wish that I'll get over this ASAP. I really don't want to ask him the truth, since he might think that I was already suspecting something going on between us, or I just don't want him to think about it too much to make himreally fall for me so...

I should be blaming someone for making my feelings so jumbled up.


"S-s-sh-shit..." Gokudera-kun says finally, once the snowy landscape has melted to be replaced by a bamboo woodland. They loom rather ominously, as if egging us on (I sound really delusional to thinking that way).

He's still shivering violently and now wildly removing his dynamite sticks from his body. I really have no choice.

"Gokudera-kun, here."

I offer him my parka and help him put it on.

Five seconds are what Gokudera needed before everything registered in his mind.

"T-th-thank y-y-you," he whispered as he rubbed his hands together and blew through them rather feverishly.

"You're welcome," I reply rather lamely before nudging him to get a move on. Well, really... there's nothing I can really do right now. So...

We walked in silence as we passed through our verdant obstacle. I can only hear the sound of the crushing of some small bamboo branches (eff, I know bamboo is grass but still-!) and the small noises of the bike as we continue to walk.

I know, I really want to talk to him and make things lively and ease up the slight tension between us but I can't. There's really nothing I can do for now. I mean- well- I guess I might break off the conversation again between us... and- uh- O.M.

"Looks like her illusions are getting better everyday now." Nice save, Gokudera-kun! He's starting a new conversation with a topic far from what we're in right now.

"Whose illusions?" Okay, Reborn-chan hasn't really told me much about illusions. He just told me a story of how, under the orders of a feared illusionist, me and Haru were almost acidified.

'Kay, I'm not really that informed about these Mafia business, I admit.

"Oh... Chrome Dokuro's. Has Reborn told you about her?"

"Eh... no." Wow, I sound so stupid. "Sorry." The added word made me even stupider.

"She's the illusionist of the Vongola, as well as the Mist Guardian of the Tenth!" said Gokudera-kun quickly. He sounds really happy as he tells me this. He often sounds that way when 'the Tenth' is involved. "Do you know already about the Guardians of the Vongola?"

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