-Chapter 1-

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Another school day... Was the first thing the demon thought, when he saw the calendar on his bedroom. It was 07:00 in the morning and he had to be to the school at 07:30 the least. 

After he got up from his King-sized bed, went to the bathroom to clean his face and got dressed in the blink of an eye, the raven-haired man went to the kitchen of the house and poured some milk to his only cat. It was a beautiful feline creature with inky black fur and big sapphire blue eyes. "Good morning Azul" he said with a small smile on his face. The cat meowed as an aswer and hastily, started to drink the tasteful milk. Honestly, milk was the only kind of food the demon had in his house. 

The man right after he poured the milk, got out of his home and in his black mustang. Fixing his hair he started the machine and drove to the school building.

He got lost in his mind for some time, as he remembered how weird everything felt, when he first bought his own house, when he took his drive lisence and how weird was that thing humans called "mobile phone". Even if he served quite a lot of humans, he never gave an actual interest in the new technology. But sooner of later, he had to become familiar with them. After all, what kind of demon would he be, if he didn't even know such trivial things?

Now that he was thinking about it, there wasn't any difficulty to learn about anything in particular. He just didn't care. After his... young master's death, the man just continued his life without any interest.

There he was again, thinking about a boy that lived two centuries ago. Pathetic, wasn't it?

He shake off his thoughts and without even realizing it, he was in the school parking. He sighed, before he gets out of the car locking it. With the corner of his eye, he spoted three girls who gossiped about him, and how magnificent he was. 

He smirked but ignored them, as he walked inside the building. It was welcoming, aside from the fresh painted walls that smelled awfully.

"3..2..1.." He numbered and in the exact time, he felt a pair of hands hugging him from the behind. 

"Sebby! Good morning!" a familiar female voice almost screamed. He sighed, but smiled politely as a young woman finally let him go and smiled.

"Good morning Melanie" he greeted her. She was quite tall for a female. They had only a few inches difference in height and she had natural blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She wore black jeans with a white t-shirt and on top a simple black jacket. The woman wore no make up as she knew that she was beautiful as she is.

"Quite in a good mood, I see. Did something happen?" Sebastian asked curious. In reality, he didn't care at all, but he did want a bit of a company.

The pair started to walk across the big hallway as she nodded. "Yes! Last night Victor called and asked me out. We went to an expensive restaurant at the beach and God, it was amazing! He was gorgeous and everything was so romantic!"

"There we go with the 5-year-old attitude again" the man commented and she frowed at his words. 

"You're such a killjoy, Sebastian. Can't you be a bit happy about your friend?" the young woman complained as she opened the door for the teacher's office. When they were both at their desks -which was the one next to the other- Sebastian replied:

"Of course I'm happy, don't you see it?" As he was saying that he smiled widely, but Melanie was starring with a blank expression on her face.

"Quit it with the fake smiles Michaelis. What's wrong? Did Samantha bothered you again? Ah, I swear that chick just doesn't know when to give up!" Melanie started babbling again, but the demon coughed interrupting her.

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