-Chapter 14-

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(WARNING: This chapter contains underage abuse (not detailed), blood, angst, demonic rituals (yeah it deserves its warning) and spoilers up to Chapter 131 of the manga since I wanted for this story to follow the original events from the start. That's the main reason why Soma, Agni, Elisabeth or other characters are not included in the first place. Also, I'm going to use a head cannon. If you don't want to get spoiled, don't read any of the Italian capitals at some point and scroll to the end of it and continue reading. I'll explain in the end notes what you need to know. They're not that much of spoilers, but the detailed scenes are really near to the original ones.)


"So, the brat is with Sebas-chan right now?" a tired voice asked siting on his bed. At the same time, he rubbed his greenish-yellow eyes, more irritated as the time flew by.

"Yes. What am I supposed to do when he comes back?" Aeron replied on the other line. He was still walking back and forth on his own room, looking at his wife at the same time.

Grelle let out a yawn, while he slowly got up on his feet. "Just make sure he won't get out of the house when he comes back. If the little brat has enough memories, then it's time to take him with us." After the final line, he hangs up, now completely awake. "perfect, now my beauty sleep is gone for good." He muttered under his breath.

There was one thing that the Grimm Reaper didn't notice, when he bolted out of his room to go wake up William. That a shadow with golden eyes had listened to everything he said with the human. Taking his decision, Claude disappeared from the large house, which resided the two Reapers. His determination for revenge was growing day by day. He would make Grelle Sutcliffe pay, for he killed the only person the demon ever cared and loved.


Back to the Hampstead health lake, two males were sitting down again, now closer to each other. Ciel had let his guard down completely, as he rested his fragile frame on Sebastian's enormous body. "I want to ask you something." He murmured at some point, looking up.

The demon had closed his little butterfly inside his arms, feeling at ease, even in a time like this. When Ciel voiced his question, he looked down at his mismatched eyes. "What is it, butterfly?"

"Um...My first memory was quite weird," the bluenette started, but hesitating a bit. In that memory, he was thirteen. According to what he can remember, he sure was a wicked child. But the embarrassing part was what he did. "I was pointing a gun at you. We were...intimately close and you claimed that I was a terrible liar. Then, I smirked and asked you what are my thoughts now. Why we were..."

The awkwardness in his voice was literally the reason why Sebastian was holding himself from bursting out laughing. "It was just a little game between us. A kind of spice to heat things up." He then answered in a low tone. He wanted to send the right message.

Ciel narrowed his eyes at the reply and asked deadpanned. "A game?" That boy was seriously too innocent for his own good.

Sebastian double noted that.

He then trailed both his hands to the upper sides of Ciel's body, until his right thumb was caressing the boy's upper lip and his left arm encircled his entire form completely. He leaned over a bit so now they were extremely close...for the umpteenth time. "Do I make myself clear now?"

"The only reason I won't complain about my age, is because I know what shit was going on in the Victorian Era..." Ciel murmured a bit creeped out. But there was no need to give much thought about it anyway. Since when demons have that kind of moralism? "So, about what you said earlier...Are we still contracted?"

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