-Chapter 9-

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The next morning a little bit before the sun raised, Ciel and Alois have already started their trip to Edinburgh.

"Man, how far away is that damn place? It feels like we're travelling for hours!" the blonde was complaining in the driver's seat, but his eyes were focusing on the road.

Ciel on the other hand, was trying to get comfortable in the passenger's seat. He didn't sleep at all last night, because his overanalyzing mind didn't let him to. He was constantly thinking about that revolting demon. Why would he even blush because of him? It wasn't only embarrassing, but humiliating as well. It didn't sit well with him at all. "It's only been one hour. Have some patience, supposed adult," he hissed as an answer to Alois, turning to his other side so his back was facing the blond. "Also, can you shut up? I'm trying to sleep," he added yawning.

Alois lifted an eyebrow at his friend. "How so? You didn't sleep last night?" he asked, earning a weak 'hum' from the sleepy bluenette. But after a minute or so, a mere thought crossed his mind. "Wait..." his eyes widened. The slightly taller male turns his head to the shorter one, observing him for a moment. "Were you thinking about him?"

Ciel gulped. Thankfully Alois didn't notice. The bluenette was trying to think of an answer, but he was also a bit pissed.

'How does he manage to understand everything, without even trying? It's like I'm an open book to him! Actually...on a second thought, we know each other from the very first day of middle school. I guess it's only natural for him to know me so well.'

"Isn't in obvious? I was literally sleeping half the day off, so how can I sleep when I'm full of energy?" he finally finds something believable – hardly. Ciel was always a pretty good liar, but when it came to the person right next to him, whenever he lied Alois most of the times could tell if it was true or not.

With an exasperated sigh, Ciel gives up on sleeping and sits up on his seat. He opens his left eye slowly, to take a glimpse of his friend. He had to make sure he believed him. There was no way such a prideful person as him, would admit that he was thinking about a perverted, sneaky, and idiotic demon.

"Let's say I believe you," the blonde mumbles, before he decides to pull off the grey Mazda jeep to the side of the road. They were literally in the middle of nowhere. Alois turns his head again to Ciel, before he inhales deeply and exhales slowly. "Which I don't, so I want to ask you something," Ciel was ready to open his mouth to protest, but Alois's stern look made him sallow unsteadily.

"What's really, the deal with that demon? I know you're hiding something," his enraged tone of voice, made clear to the bluenette that he won't accept any lies. Alois, is no fool; he could understand his mate's distress, when he told him what happened back in Sebastian's house.

At the same time, Ciel was starting to get exasperated. He didn't want to talk about it in the first place. "So what if I hide something? Can't I keep some things to myself? Don't you think I have a fucking reason, for not telling you? Stop sneaking on someone else's business like that! If I don't wish to tell you, then I won't!" he yells, not understanding for a moment what kind of words escaped his lips.

Though, Alois's hurt expression made it all clear. In his crystal-blue eyes, Ciel could see his emotions right now: surprise, anger, hurt and sadness.

'Shit, I didn't want to say these things. And in such a manner! I just don't want for him to get too involved with Sebastian. I still don't know why he is technically stalking me! If the whole situation is more dangerous than it seems, what am I going to do?'

"Alois I-"

"I think you should go to sleep. You're being such an asshole when you're tired." The blonde cut him off, words coming out like poison. He didn't even bother to look again at Ciel when he started the car.

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