-Chapter 8-

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"A new assignment from the Vatican, you said?" Ciel questioned his mother, while sitting on the chair of his desk. He had crossed his fingers gently one to another, and his elbows were resting on the wooden surface. His legs were crossed, a position that made the teen look like a mature adult – it wasn't like he wasn't mature in a sense. And that's what he aimed to look to everyone, considering the fact that he still looks like a thirteen-year-old boy.

Arabella nods, before she hands him the letter. "This job was originally for your father, but he has a lot of paper work to do, so he requested if you could take his place in this one." She replies kindly, a small smile forming to her warm beige face. Her moves were little to none, as her sight never left her son's.

The young Phantomhive thinks about it for a moment, and then takes the letter opener, to cut the upper side of the envelope. He takes the letter to his hands, and starts reading.

"So..." he said after reading the first paragraph, "you want me to do a ghost hunting of some sort. To make sure that there's no demon behind the accidents in which took place in... The Edinburgh Castle in Scotland?!" he literally yells in the end, while reading the rest of the letter. Then, his eyes darted toward Arabella. "Do you really expect me to travel all the way there, just for some stupid kid's story?"

The elder woman sighed at her son's behavior. Well, it's Ciel we're talking about... she thinks. It has to expected of him to react this way. He wasn't travelling often out of London. She stares back to him, a strict look on her face. "You do know we all get paid for these jobs, don't you? Besides, it's the Vatican, we are talking about. If it really was just a kid's story, do you think they would bother themselves just to take a look at the situation?" she finishes her scold by crossing her arms.

Now it made sense to Ciel, as he brought his finger over his chin. She is right. Normally, the Vatican didn't even bother to deal with exorcisms, unless there were all kinds of evidence; let alone a hunted place! Something really dangerous must be taking place in there. Even so, this feels kind out of place... His thoughts were mixed for this situation, and he wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to go there on his own.

As if on cue, Arabella added, "You can go with Alois if you want. It's dangerous there on your own."

Ciel blinks at her suggestion. "What? There's no way I'm going to drag him into such a dangerous mission. I can't have the responsibility for mine, and his safety as well!" he argues, sitting up from his chair abruptly.

Arabella sighs again, but gives another opportunity to her son. "Oh? Well, do you have someone else in mind?" she asks, motioning for him to answer.

A picture of a ravenette man with ruby eyes came to the boy's mind, but instantly shook his head in frustration. There's no way in hell, I'm going to count on him! Why did he even pop up in my mind in the first place?! A light shade of pink was formed on his cheeks, but gratefully his mother didn't notice.

"Ugh, fine." He gives in in the end. Ciel looks closely at her, as she smiles and walks out of his room, saying that she's going to make the necessary preparations.

The teen's gaze turned outside of the window to the night sky. There were plenty of stars, illuminating the dark hallways of the earth. Even if darkness was still present, that didn't mean the light couldn't come through and shine for those who desperately try to reach it. Ciel wasn't one of those people though. Yes, he works for the Vatican, but only because his parents do this job as well. If this matter was on his own hands, he would have quitted a long, long time ago.

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