-Chapter 11-

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For the first days of December, the weather was not as cold as usually. Maybe it's because there wasn't even a small breeze, to increase the icy-like vibe. According to the demon's computation, it should be around 07:00 in the morning by now.

A muffled snort following by a small yawn, made him to turn his head to the backseats of the car, his gaze resting on the small figure who just woke up. The young Phantomhive refused to open his eyes for a short while, before he finally blinks twice.

This was something that brought back memories to Sebastian.

His thoughts though were interrupted by a loud gasp. His eyes focused on a shocked Ciel, holding back a laugh at his messed bed-hair.

"W-What are you doing here?!" he shouted, but regretted doing so, because his throat felt sore; it was like he hadn't drink water for hours. He immediately closed his mouth and moved his right hand on the front base of his neck.

Sebastian already knew this was going to happen, so he had a small bottle of water in a bag. He took it out and handled it to his companion. Ciel hesitated for a moment, before he reaches out his hand to take it. Then he drank it whole in a matter of seconds, like the water was dear life to him.

After that, he breathed in and out slowly, turning his head to his surroundings. No wonder, this was his car; but what was Sebastian doing here anyway?

"Good morning to you too. Although it's not exactly morning yet," the last statement was more like a mumble to himself, before a small smile cracks on the demon's face. "Are you feeling better now?"

Ciel blinked for a second, looking at him like he was crazy. Why would he "feel better"? he was fine.

Then it hit him instantly. The bluenette froze on his place, one name repeating itself on his mind. 'Alois...'

"He's still in there!" he shouts, tossing the now empty bottle to the side and putting his hand on the handle. "I have to go find Alois," he adds, now opening the backdoor and rushes out. Just when he was about to break into a full sprint to the castle a few feet away, Sebastian's gloved hand gets a tight grip on his.

"There's no need for that," he tries to calm him down, "everything's going to be alri—"

The shorter male cut him off, making an exaggerated growl, "Are you kidding me? He might be dead by now!" at the same time, he tries to let go of Sebastian's hand but to no avail. Plus, a light shade of pink was presented on his cheeks. It wasn't noticeable – to his imagination – but he couldn't help it. No one had ever got a hold of his hand like this. Actually, there was a person, but it was a long time ago; but with a completely different intension.

The much older male sighed at the boy's stubborn behavior. If he would just listen to him for once... "—alright, because a friend of mine is going to bring him back. And to reassure you, he is not dead." When he finished talking, the demon could see that Ciel's facial expression had soften a little. His light blush was very noticeable for him, making a feeling of satisfaction to overwhelm the crimson-eyed demon.

That feeling though waved away in a matter of seconds, when Ciel's eyes started to seem dull, now completely in silence. He was looking toward the space, his frail body stood still for the second time now. It was like his mind was off to somewhere else. Sebastian observed him cautiously, making a note to his mind to learn about his past in his current life. His little butterfly was a mystery, but he was more than willing to unravel him like a book. That was a sure thing.

He finally decided to snap the short male out of his obviously pained state, moving his free hand to caress his cheek gently. "...Ciel?" he asked calmly, with his eyes starring restlessly on alert of every move of his companion. "Are you alright?"

Reunited from the Dark (AU -SebaCiel-)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن