-Chapter 15-

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Alois was sitting on the dinner table of the kitchen to his house, flipping his phone with one hand. An anxious sigh comes off his lips, while calling Ciel once again. It was his fifth time trying, and knew something was off. He couldn't sleep well the previous night, and his growing suspense didn't make things any better. The last time he spoke to him, was two days ago, when he visited his house.

He could see that Ciel was cooped up to himself again. Whenever he was asking what's the problem, the bluenette sternly refused to talk. Well, it wasn't like Alois didn't have any idea. Sebastian didn't show up during his time in the townhouse, and his friend wasn't mentioning him in their conversations either. He figured they had an argument or something in that aspect.

So, he just let him be for the time being. He knew Ciel will open up to him when he felt like it.

He may be overthinking this – being overdramatic is pretty much common to his character. Ciel could just had forgotten his phone back to his house before his classes, or he is just seeking loneliness. But that didn't clear up entirely his mind while he got up from the chair and went to pick up his younger brother from school. He still had chores to be done, since his parents traveled to Spain for business matters and won't be back until later this week.


Fifteen minutes later, he closed the front door of his house, watching Luca running towards his room to the second floor. "Please do me a favor and fall from the stairs. I'll have something to laugh at," he joked about, earning a curse from his little brother between laughs.

When he was about to walk inside the house as well, Alois spotted a movement to his right out of the large window in the living room.

His body froze at the sight, debating if it was just his imagination or not. Knowing himself, it could really be nothing, but the feeling he had from the moment we woke up today told him otherwise.

At that exact moment, his phone rang. Azure eyes lighten up seeing Ciel's name and picked it up immediately. "Holy shit, you asshole of a friend! Where have you been? Did you possibly spend too much time with your hand?" he said bluntly, smirking. But the person who replied on the other side was not Ciel.

"This is Sebastian, Alois. I'm calling to tell you to go up to your brother's room and stay there. Lock up everything until me and Claude come. There are assassins outside of your house probably to kill or kidnap you. Don't ask, just do it." And with that, the call ended, leaving a confused blonde starring at the screen for a brief second, before his mind wraps itself around to what he just heard.

"Motherfucker," he muttered under his breath and then sprinted to Luca's room as fast as he could, avoiding the windows. If what Sebastian said was true – still wondering how the hell he has Ciel's phone – then one thing was certain;

Something indeed happened to Ciel. Because he is the only one that has contacts with the underworld from his group of people.


Golden eyes observed carefully the manor in front of them, following a certain blonde figure which was running carefully inside the place. When Claude made sure that Alois did what he told to do, he turned his attention to Sebastian, who was counting the assassins. "Want any help to clean them off?"

"No need, they're humans. I just wanted to make sure Ciel's friend was safe. The Vatican probably thought that Alois was a threat, because he knows too much. And now that Ciel is missing, it's the perfect chance to wipe him off," The other demon replied, tearing his gaze for a second to look back at Claude. "They're only ten, it's easy. You should go by his side, I'm pretty sure he prefers you over me." He smirked at the last sentence with a wink.

Reunited from the Dark (AU -SebaCiel-)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat