-Chapter 3-

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When Ciel got into the house and closed the door, the first thing he saw was Alois, waiting for him in the stairs.

The blonde adult, when he layed his eyes on him, he practically jumped from were he was sitting, and rushed to his one-year-younger friend.

"What the hell happened?" Alois asked, with curiousity and slight fear in his light blue eyes. He put his palms on Ciel's shoulders, as he peeked from the window that was next to them, to see if the man had left.

Alois and Ciel over the years that grow up together, have made a secret code, for when they couldn't speak openly. For example, when Ciel said: "I'll text you" instead of, "I'll call you" which it's mostly used, meant: "Come to my house, immediately". Ciel never said "I'll text you" for that reason.

Ciel sighed and walked past Alois, motioning him to follow, "I think I got myself into a big trouble"

"What?" Alois snapped, "You mean, you got yourself into trouble, with the person who drove you home?" asked after. Ciel nodded as the duo, made their way to Ciel's room, which was upstairs. When they finally got in the room, Alois sat on the bed and Ciel looked outside of the window, next to the door.

"That person, whoever he was, certainly wasn't a human," the bluenette murmured. Then, he turned to see his friend's reaction and Alois was looking at him wide-eyed. 

"What is he then? A Grim Reaper?" he asked. Ciel walked toward him and sat beside the blonde. "No," the boy shooked his head, "He didn't have green eyes. Instead, their color was a crimson red"

"The fuck Ciel? You mean, that was a demon?!" Alois screamed. The other male, turned to look at his friend, with an annoyed expression oh his face. "Alois, can you possibly scream louder? I believe the neighbours didn't hear you" he said sarcastically.

The taller male growled, as he sat up from the bed, and turned to the shorter one. "Ciel motherfucking Phantomhive!" he shouted, "Do you have any idea, what have you gotten yourself into? He is a demon, he probably is after your soul!"

"You think I don't know that?!" Ciel snapped, "It's just, when he saw me in the school, he seemed like he had just seen a ghost. No other demon seemed like that, when he sees a human you know!" with these words, the bluenette got up from his bed as well and went to his office, next to him. He sat there and looked forward to his only friend.

"Look Ci, I know that you and your family are exorcists, but that doesn't change the fact, that he's dangerous! And I know you damn well, and your obsession with the supernatural, so NO!" Alois said almost desperately, as he could feel his heart beat faster, from agony. Ciel was his only true friend, from when they were kids, so he didn't want him to get hurt. "I know you want to learn more about him, but you have to understand how danger-"

"Do you really know?" Ciel interupted him, "Al, I know you're worried but I didn't told you to come here, to yell at me for being with a demon. He probably doesn't even know, that I know his true nature. So, everything is okay for now, calm down" he later changes his tone, with a slight smile on his face. Ciel knew that Alois would yell at him, but he had to tell him what's really the matter.

Alois huffed and motioned him with his hand to continue. 

"The thing is, that I haven't see a demon in this area, for a very long amout of time. Even my parents said, that the exorcisms were much less than before. That man, was the first demon I have seen, in a while. And you know what's the most weird part?" Ciel started to explain. Alois shook his head as an answer, with his left eyebrow lifted.

"He is a teacher in my school" the boy stated, with a serious look in his bicoloured eyes.

The blonde starred at Ciel, with a blank expression on his face. "What?"

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