-Chapter 4-

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The hours went by, like watching a snail, going from the one side of the road to another. Honestly, Ciel's schedule was a nightmare. The first two periods he had Math, then the third period History—let's not forget his learning gap—Science in the fourth, Japanese in the fifth and English in the last one. His PE teacher was absent today, so he was lucky in a way.

Even so, when the last class was over, the teen let out a large breath. 'Man, today sucked...' he thought.

"Is everything alright, Phantomhive?" a knowing chuckle was heard from the teacher's desk.

Oh, right. Mr. Michaelis, was still here.

The bluenette looks out of the window, before answers, "Why, thank you, I'm just fine." He murmured. As he was speaking, he grabbed his backpack, ready to leave.

But of course, his teacher—or rather the demon—had to stop him. "I have to tutor you today, remember?" he sighed, while grabbing his own bag.

"Oh, right," was the only thing Ciel said. Both student and teacher, started to make their way outside of the school, and to Sebastian's car.

"Are we going to your house?" Sebastian asked, when he sat on the driver's seat.

The boy gulped, "Um... No, because... We are still fixing the wallpapers—they were almost destroyed from the years; this house exists from the 18th Century, so..." at least he found a good excuse fast. Truth to be told, he didn't want Sebastian in his house. Because his parents are already there and if they see him, it won't take much time to notice that Sebastian's not a human.

The demon lifted an eyebrow at his reaction, but he didn't push the subject any further. Instead, his gaze turned to the road in front of him, as soon as Ciel got to the car, "Okay then... Shall we go to my place? It's large and pretty quiet, so you can focus on your studies."

Ciel's eyes widened a bit, but tried not to show it. 'Is that really a good idea? What if he tries something?' his thoughts were mixed, and felt his heart to beat up a bit, from slight anxiety. He swallowed as he was looking at the demon. 'He doesn't seem like he wants to hurt me though...'

Finally, he made his decision. "Okay"


"Wait, how's that possible? I thought that the World War I, started, when Gavrilo Princip, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Bosnia." Ciel snapped.

Both student and teacher were sitting at Sebastian's living room; with the older male, tutoring History to the younger one. Right now, they were arguing about how the World War I started.

The raven-haired man chuckled. "Believe me, you're wrong about that. At the late 1880's, Queen Victoria started to create tanks, the same time as Germany did; and she was the one who tricked Gavrilo to kill the Archduke. She did lots of good things for England, but there was one thing she disliked; And that was peace." *

The short male huffed at his words and dropped his pen on the table. "Whatever, I guess we will never find out," his gaze turned at the large clock in the wall, "Wow. It's been four hours already?!" he starred at the clock. The time was 18:15 in the afternoon.

Sebastian wasn't looking as socked though. He was used to the fact, that time always, goes by fast.

"Hey, Mr. Michaelis, can you drive me–" the bluenette turned to face the other male, but his words were interrupted by a loud thunder.

And then, the lights went off.

The demon sighed, "Oh dear me, seriously now?" of course, he could see as clear as day with his unnatural eyes. But that doesn't mean, that Ciel could as well. Actually, Sebastian did hear the heartbeat of the shorter male to beat faster and faster, and his voice stacked in his throat.

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