-Chapter 10-

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alois screamed from the end of the dark hallway. He just lost his phone, his only source of light. He didn't even bother to bring a flashlight. Not only that, his left arm was bleeding for quite some time now. A painted cry escaped his lips, while his breaths were and small and sharp.

While holding his wounded arm with the palm of his right hand, he bends down to search for the phone. But his fingers were only touching the cold and dusty floor. "where the Hell is it?" he mumbles painfully.

'Goddamn it, I have to find Ciel and get the fuck out of here!'

As the blonde was trying to calm down his anxiety, a small spark of hope started to rise, when he finally got a grip on the familiar device. But the spark left as soon as it came, because the phone was broken. When he tried to enable it, nothing happened. A bitter curse escaped his lips, before a thought of hopelessness invades his mind.

'Shit, now what?'

Right at that moment, he felt dizzy. Even though he couldn't see, he could feel his head spinning. It was obvious that the blood loss was starting to provoke problems to his already tired body.

Above everything else, he was lost. Inside a pitch-dark room, which looked like a bedchamber – considering the fact that Alois was clinging onto some kind of bed. In such a state, it was difficult to find the exit.

The sound of dripping blood was increasing rapidly, which made the only human in this room to tremble; how was he going to make it out alive?


-Two hours earlier-

"...Ciel, are you really sure this place is haunted?" the curious blonde asked, while they were walking down the large hallway of this castle.

The bluenette let out a heavy sigh; he was annoyed to no end. It's been four hours since the sun went down, when they started to investigate the place to trance anything supernatural. They're halfway done with the main building, but the only thing they found, was absolute nothingness – and a very large amount of dust. "I don't know, but it was supposed to be. I swear when we get back, I'll go to the Vatican myself, to beat the shit out of whoever wrote that letter!"

"I bet you'll do so," Alois yawned due to the lack of sleep. It's already been an hour past midnight. He wanted a soft bed to sleep so badly. "Hey, since we didn't find a thing, can we just turn back? I don't want to skip my beauty sleep," while speaking, he made a dramatic pose – almost tripping over to the ground – hoping that he will convince his friend.

Ciel couldn't help but agree; he was tired too. Actually, way more than Alois was. It's a miracle how he is still able to maintain his consciousness. "I'm pretty sure you will not turn out to be uglier than you already are," his answer came teasingly, before his eyes dart to the staircase in front of them.

"You're so nice some times," the blonde replied wryly, before he stares forward as well. They both stopped in their tracks, looking closely.

It was a big, yet old staircase. There were two different paths; the one was undoubtedly leading to the upper floor of the castle, and the second one lead downstairs, probably to a basement or some kind of jail. Every stair was worn from the sides, and it looked like it was ready to break into a million stones with little force.

Alois couldn't help but gulp; It really feels like this staircase will fall apart. On another hand, he was too tired to actually care. He turns his head lazily to his friend's side, and with one arm he stabilizes his body over Ciel's short and fragile one, "So, were do we go? Up or down?"

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